Aeolian Alexanders: Economic, Material, and Social Networks in Antiquity

orcid ID button By Ryan Horne

Coin splash image

Supported by a NEH - Mellon Digital Publication Grant
NEH Seal


Aeolian Alexanders is an exploration in the use of digital tools and publishing to conduct a numismatic die study. Generously supported by a NEH-Mellon digital publication grant, this work seeks to not only add to scholarship on the topic of Hellenistic coinage in Aeolis, but to also offer some new digital tools and methodologies that can be used in numismatics, the study of pre-modern political and economic networks, and more broadly in the study of material culture.

Much of the technology and techniques used here are experimental, and as a result some of the tables, networks, and visualizations are suggestive abstractions instead of definitive statements. This is a living project; even with digital “publication”, the tools are still open for refinement and further work, more coins can be added to the database, and the data structures themselves may change upon further consultation with the larger ancient studies linked open data (LOD) community. Much like our knowledge of coins can be radically altered by the discovery of a single hoard, this project could change rapidly as new technologies and methodologies are developed. The rapid development of geographic information systems (GIS), digital gazetteers, and social network analysis software (SNA), combined with a growing collection of LOD resources, has enabled this project to reimagine die-studies and ancient societies as networks which can be visualized and modeled in an approachable way. The choice of an open-access digital platform for publication, instead of a traditional specialist publication, is an effort to not only make not only the product of scholarly research, but the tools and techniques of the craft accessible to as wide an audience as possible. It is my contention that offering all of the coin images, data, and software used by this study in such an open manner will encourage further experimentation, development, and scholarship. If nothing else, this study will hopefully point to the possibilities that new developments in digital humanities can offer to historical studies.

For specialists in the field, this study offers new tools and techniques for the study of numismatics. Some of them, like a tool to aid in the sorting and cataloging of dies, along with a python notebook demonstrating the use of statistical software, can be used without much modification. Other methodologies, like the use of network analysis to study mint and hoard relationships and least-cost pathing to build spatial networks may be controversial; I hope that this project will serve as a stepping stone to further discussion and exploration of how spatial studies and network analysis can reshape our conception of the ancient world.

For an excellent introduction to Jupyter Notebooks, consult Introduction to Jupyter Notebooks on The Programming Historian.

Program Logic

The code bloicks below setup the program logic for the die study, For further details and explanation, see the jupyter notebook and the GitHub Site which houses all of the project’s code, coin images, and data. To run this notebook you will need to have various software packages installed; a “fixed” version of this study is available for consultation. However, this is not reflective of the current, living database.


These are include files that are necessary for the notebook to run; you may need to install additional packages depending on your python environment.

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

import pandas as pd
import sqlalchemy
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.ticker as ticker
import matplotlib.font_manager as font_manager
import matplotlib
import argparse
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.font_manager as font_manager
import json
from matplotlib.ticker import FormatStrFormatter
import folium
from folium import plugins
import networkx as nx
import community
import as cm
from matplotlib.colors import Normalize
from pygraphviz import *
from networkx.algorithms import bipartite
from folium.features import DivIcon
from natsort import natsorted
import sqlite3
import requests
from operator import itemgetter

from itables import init_notebook_mode

For consistent styling of our charts

from matplotlib import rc
plt.rcParams['ps.useafm'] = True
plt.rcParams['pdf.fonttype'] = 42
plt.rcParams['figure.figsize'] = [4, 4]


plt.rc('font', size=SMALL_SIZE)          # controls default text sizes
plt.rc('axes', titlesize=SMALL_SIZE)     # fontsize of the axes title
plt.rc('axes', labelsize=MEDIUM_SIZE)    # fontsize of the x and y labels
plt.rc('xtick', labelsize=SMALLEST_SIZE)    # fontsize of the tick labels
plt.rc('ytick', labelsize=SMALLEST_SIZE)    # fontsize of the tick labels
plt.rc('legend', fontsize=SMALL_SIZE)    # legend fontsize
plt.rc('figure', titlesize=BIGGER_SIZE)  # fontsize of the figure title

plt.rcParams.update({"axes.facecolor" : "cacaca"})

Import the database

This imports the latest version of the Aeolian Alexanders database, so the die study always reflects the latest coin and statistical information.

import requests

url = ''
r = requests.get(url, allow_redirects=True)

open('aeolian_alexanders.db', 'wb').write(r.content)

from sqlalchemy import create_engine 
cnx = create_engine('sqlite:///aeolian_alexanders.db')

Function to create the maps

### createmapvis makes our basic map
def createmapvis():
    m = folium.Map(
        location=[40.58058, 36.29883], 
        name='AWMC Base',
        attr= attr)
    return m

Data Structures for the study

# mints are defined by their Pleiades IDs; this could easily be changed to Nomisma IDs depending on your data setup
mint = {
    'temnos': '550908',
    'myrina': '550756',
    'kyme': '550506'

histogramSizes = {
    'x': 8,
    'y': 3

#These structures are here to make the code in the narrative cleaner when I want to show network maps
#Consult the project notebook on *HOW* to create these maps; we can not do this live without a public database
#that runs pgrouting, etc.

attalid_networks_241_197 = {
    'url': "",
    'featuregroupname': 'Attalid "Routes" 241 - 197 BCE',
    'sizeproperty': 'count'

attalid_points_241_197 = {
    'url': "",
    'featuregroupname': 'Attalid Cities 241 - 197 BCE',
    'sizeproperty': 'count'

seleukid_networks_241_197 = {
    'url': "",
    'featuregroupname': 'Seleukid "Routes" 241 - 197 BCE',
    'sizeproperty': 'count'

seleukid_points_241_197 = {
    'url': "",
    'featuregroupname': 'Seleukid "Routes" 241 - 197 BCE',
    'sizeproperty': 'count'

ptolemaic_networks_241_197 = {
    'url': "",
    'featuregroupname': 'Ptolemaic "Routes" 241 - 197 BCE',
    'sizeproperty': 'count'

ptolemaic_points_241_197 = {
    'url': "",
    'featuregroupname': 'Ptolemaic "Routes" 241 - 197 BCE',
    'sizeproperty': 'count'

attalid_networks_197_160 = {
    'url': "",
    'featuregroupname': 'Attalid "Routes" 197 - 160 BCE',
    'sizeproperty': 'count'

attalid_points_197_160 = {
    'url': "",
    'featuregroupname': 'Attalid "Routes" 197 - 160 BCE',
    'sizeproperty': 'count'

seleukid_networks_197_160 = {
    'url': "",
    'featuregroupname': 'Seleukid "Routes" 197 - 160 BCE',
    'sizeproperty': 'count'

seleukid_points_197_160 = {
    'url': "",
    'featuregroupname': 'Seleukid "Routes" 197 - 160 BCE',
    'sizeproperty': 'count'

ptolemaic_networks_197_160 = {
    'url': "",
    'featuregroupname': 'Ptolemaic "Routes" 197 - 160 BCE',
    'sizeproperty': 'count'

ptolemaic_points_197_160 = {
    'url': "",
    'featuregroupname': 'Ptolemaic "Routes" 197 - 160 BCE',
    'sizeproperty': 'count'

attalid_networks_160_138 = {
    'url': "",
    'featuregroupname': 'Attalid "Routes" 160 - 138 BCE',
    'sizeproperty': 'count'

attalid_points_160_138 = {
    'url': "",
    'featuregroupname': 'Attalid "Routes" 160 - 138 BCE',
    'sizeproperty': 'count'

seleukid_networks_160_138 = {
    'url': "",
    'featuregroupname': 'Seleukid "Routes" 160 - 138 BCE',
    'sizeproperty': 'count'

seleukid_points_160_138 = {
    'url': "",
    'featuregroupname': 'Seleukid "Routes" 160 - 138 BCE',
    'sizeproperty': 'count'

ptolemaic_networks_160_138 = {
    'url': "",
    'featuregroupname': 'Ptolemaic "Routes" 160 - 138 BCE',
    'sizeproperty': 'count'

ptolemaic_points_160_138 = {
    'url': "",
    'featuregroupname': 'Ptolemaic "Routes" 160 - 138 BCE',
    'sizeproperty': 'count'

autonomus_cities = {
    'url': "",
    'featuregroupname': 'Autonomus Cities',
    'popup': 'title'

temnos_routes = {
    'url': "",
    'featuregroupname': 'Temnos to Hoard Routes',
    'sizeproperty': 'count'

myrina_routes = {
    'url': "",
    'featuregroupname': 'Myrina to Hoard Routes',
    'sizeproperty': 'count'

kyme_routes = {
    'url': "",
    'featuregroupname': 'Kyme to Hoard Routes',
    'sizeproperty': 'count'

# attribution for the map
attr = """
Tiles &copy; <a href='' target='_blank'>MapBox</a> |
 Data &copy; <a href='' target='_blank'>OpenStreetMap</a> and contributors, CC-BY-SA |
 Tiles and Data &copy; 2020 <a href='' target='_blank'>AWMC</a>
 <a href='' target='_blank'>CC-BY-NC 3.0</a>


These function s enable the display of our graphs and charts from the database. They are based on imput parameters, so someone can see different groupings, time periods, etc

def linReScale (oldmax, oldmin, newmax, newmin, oldnumber):
    newnumber = (oldnumber - oldmin) / (oldmax - oldmin) * (newmax - newmin) + newmin
    return newnumber

def makeNetColor (row, my_colors):
    netColor = matplotlib.colors.to_hex(my_colors(row['partition']))
    #netColor = my_colors(row['partition'])
    return netColor

#def makePleiadesGeoDataFromList(inputfile, id_column, outputname):
#    pleaidesdf = pd.DataFrame()
#    pleaidesdf = pd.read_csv(inputfile)  
#    pleiadesIdList = pleaidesdf['pid'].tolist()
#    sql = 'SELECT id, title, geom from places where ' + ' or '.join(('id = ' + str(n) for n in pleiadesIdList))
##    pleiadesGeodf = gpd.GeoDataFrame.from_postgis(sql, cnx, geom_col='geom' )
 #   pleiadesGeodf.to_file(outputname, driver="GeoJSON")
def make_clickable(val):
    # target _blank to open new window
    return '<a target="_blank" href="{val}">{val}</a>'.format(val = val)

def make_clickableBase(val):
    # target _blank to open new window
    return '<a target="_blank" href="{val}">{val}</a>'.format(val = val)

#This produces a "traditional" coin catalog. This can be sorted if desired.
def coinCatalogWorking (mint):
    sql = """
    SELECT coinid AS id,
    typeid AS type,
    obvdie AS obverse,
    revdie AS reverse,
    FROM all_coins
    where mint = '{mint}' 
    AND obvdie !=''
    AND obvdie !='dupe'
    AND obvdie !='no_image'
    AND revdie !=''
    ORDER BY type, obverse, reverse
    """.format(mint = mint)
    dfCoinCat = pd.read_sql_query(sql, cnx)
    dfCoinCat["weight"] = pd.to_numeric(dfCoinCat["weight"])

    return dfCoinCat
#this displays all of the different charts in the "traditional" type format
def typeinfochart(mint):
    dfObverseCount = pd.DataFrame()
    dfObverseCount = typestoObverseCounter(mint)
    dfCoinCount = pd.DataFrame()
    dfCoinCount = typescoincounts(mint)
    dfavgweight = pd.DataFrame()
    dfavgweight = typesweightaverager(mint)
    dfObvinfo = pd.DataFrame()
    dfObvinfo = dfCoinCount.copy()
    dfObvinfo = dfObvinfo.merge(dfObverseCount, how='left')
    dfObvinfo = dfObvinfo.merge(dfavgweight, how='left')
    dfObvinfo.set_index('type', inplace=True)
    return dfObvinfo

#creates a type to obverse chart
def typestoObverseCounter(mint):
    sql = """
    Select typeid AS type, count(distinct obvdie) as number_of_obverse_dies
    where mint = '{mint}'
    obvdie IS NOT NULL
    obvdie != ''
    obvdie !='dupe'
    obvdie !='no_image'
    typeid IS NOT NULL
    typeid != ''
    group by type
    """.format(mint = mint)
    df = pd.DataFrame()
    df = pd.read_sql_query(sql, cnx)
    #we usually have mixed numbers and characters for naming conventions; this should arrange everythign nicely
    df.index = df['type']
    df = df.sort_index().reset_index(drop=True)
    return df

#creates a type to mint chart
def typescoincounts(mint):
    sql = """
    Select typeid AS type, count(distinct id) as number_of_coins
    where mint = '{mint}'
    obvdie IS NOT NULL
    obvdie != ''
    obvdie !='dupe'
    obvdie !='no_image'
    typeid IS NOT NULL
    typeid != ''
    group by typeid
    """.format(mint = mint)
    df = pd.DataFrame()
    df = pd.read_sql_query(sql, cnx)
    #we usually have mixed numbers and characters for naming conventions; this should arrange everythign nicely
    df.index = df['type']
    df = df.sort_index().reset_index(drop=True)
    return df

#creates a type to weight chart
def typesweightaverager(mint):
    sql = """
    Select typeid AS type, AVG(CAST(weight as decimal)) as average_weight
    where mint = '{mint}'
    obvdie IS NOT NULL
    obvdie != ''
    obvdie !='dupe'
    obvdie !='no_image'
    typeid IS NOT NULL
    typeid != ''
    group by typeid
    """.format(mint = mint)
    df = pd.DataFrame()
    df = pd.read_sql_query(sql, cnx)
    #we usually have mixed numbers and characters for naming conventions; this should arrange everythign nicely
    df.index = df['type']
    df = df.sort_index().reset_index(drop=True)
    return df

#this function displays hoards associated with a chosen mint in a catalog. 
def hoardsDisplay (mint, startdate, enddate, buffer):
    mintUri = '' + mint
    sd = startdate - buffer;
    ed = enddate - buffer;
    sql = """
        SELECT aa_hoards.hoard_id as id,
        MAX(aa_hoards.title) AS title,
        SUM(aa_mints.count) AS count,
        MAX(aa_hoards.b_start_date) AS burial_start,
        MAX(aa_hoards.b_end_date) AS burial_end,
        MAX(aa_hoards.contents) AS contents,
        MAX(aa_hoards.ex_start_date) AS discovered_at,
        MAX(aa_hoards.location_uri) AS location_uri
        LEFT JOIN
        aa_mints.hoard = aa_hoards.hoard_id
        CAST(b_start_date as decimal) >= {sd} and CAST(b_end_date as decimal) <= {ed}
        aa_hoards.hoard_id NOT IN (SELECT cross_reference FROM aa_parent_child)
        aa_hoards.hoard_id IN (SELECT aa_mints.hoard from aa_mints WHERE aa_mints.mint_uri = '{mintUri}')
        aa_mints.mint_uri = '{mintUri}'
        GROUP BY aa_hoards.hoard_id, aa_mints.mint_uri
        ORDER BY burial_start; 
    """.format(sd = sd, ed = ed, mintUri=mintUri)
    dfHoardCat = pd.read_sql_query(sql, cnx)
    return dfHoardCat

#This function maps hoards which are associated with a selected mint
def mintHoardMapper (hoarddf, nodeAttribute, mint, nodeMinSize, nodeMaxSize, m):
    sql = """
    SELECT AS location_uri,, aa_locations.lon FROM aa_locations;
    locdf = pd.DataFrame()
    locdf = pd.read_sql_query(sql, cnx)
    finaldf = hoarddf[(hoarddf['location_uri']!="null")]
    finaldf = finaldf[(finaldf['location_uri']!="")]
    finaldf = finaldf.merge(locdf, how='left')
    finaldf['lat'] = pd.to_numeric(finaldf['lat'])
    finaldf['lon'] = pd.to_numeric(finaldf['lon'])
    finaldf['count'] = pd.to_numeric(finaldf['count'])
    oldmax = hoarddf[nodeAttribute].max()
    oldmin = hoarddf[nodeAttribute].min()
    finaldf['size'] = linReScale(oldmax, oldmin, nodeMaxSize, nodeMinSize, finaldf['count'])

    for index, row in finaldf.iterrows():
        if float(row['lat']) < 9999999:
            popupText = '{title}'.format(title = row['title'])
            folium.CircleMarker(location = [row['lat'], row['lon']],
                                popup = popupText,
                                radius = row['size'],
                                color = 'black', 
                                weight = .5
    # now to put in the mint
    sql = """
    SELECT, places.title, places.reprlat, places.reprlong
    FROM places
    WHERE id = {mint};
    """.format(mint = mint)
    mintdf = pd.DataFrame()
    mintdf = pd.read_sql_query(sql, cnx)
    title = mintdf['title']
    folium.Marker([mintdf['reprlat'], mintdf['reprlong']], popup='{title}'.format(title = title)).add_to(m)
    return m

def obversetoreversecounter(mint):
    sql = """
    Select obvdie AS obverse_die, count(distinct revdie) as number_of_reverse_dies
    where mint = '{mint}'
    obvdie IS NOT NULL
    obvdie != ''
    obvdie !='dupe'
    obvdie !='no_image'
    group by obvdie
    """.format(mint = mint)
    df = pd.DataFrame()
    df = pd.read_sql_query(sql, cnx)
    #we usually have mixed numbers and characters for naming conventions; this should arrange everythign nicely
    df.index = df['obverse_die'].str.replace('[a-zA-Z_]+','').astype(float)
    df = df.sort_index().reset_index(drop=True)
    return df

def obversetoreversecounter(mint):
    sql = """
    Select obvdie AS obverse_die, count(distinct revdie) as number_of_reverse_dies
    where mint = '{mint}'
    obvdie IS NOT NULL
    obvdie != ''
    obvdie !='dupe'
    obvdie !='no_image'
    group by obvdie
    """.format(mint = mint)
    df = pd.DataFrame()
    df = pd.read_sql_query(sql, cnx)
    #we usually have mixed numbers and characters for naming conventions; this should arrange everythign nicely
    df.index = df['obverse_die'].str.replace('[a-zA-Z_]+','').astype(float)
    df = df.sort_index().reset_index(drop=True)
    return df

def obverseweightaverager(mint):
    sql = """
    Select obvdie AS obverse_die, AVG(CAST(weight as decimal)) as average_weight
    where mint = '{mint}'
    obvdie IS NOT NULL
    obvdie != ''
    obvdie !='dupe'
    obvdie !='no_image'
    group by obvdie
    """.format(mint = mint)
    df = pd.DataFrame()
    df = pd.read_sql_query(sql, cnx)
    #we usually have mixed numbers and characters for naming conventions; this should arrange everythign nicely
    df.index = df['obverse_die'].str.replace('[a-zA-Z_]+','').astype(float)
    df = df.sort_index().reset_index(drop=True)
    return df

def obversecoincounter(mint):
    sql = """
    Select obvdie AS obverse_die, count(obvdie) AS number_of_coins
    where mint = '{mint}'
    obvdie IS NOT NULL
    obvdie != ''
    obvdie !='dupe'
    obvdie !='no_image'
    group by obvdie
    """.format(mint = mint)
    df = pd.DataFrame()
    df = pd.read_sql_query(sql, cnx)
    #we usually have mixed numbers and characters for naming conventions; this should arrange everythign nicely
    df.index = df['obverse_die'].str.replace('[a-zA-Z_]+','').astype(float)
    df = df.sort_index().reset_index(drop=True)
    return df

def obverseToTypeList (mint):
    sql = """
    Select obvdie AS obverse_die, group_concat(DISTINCT typeid) as price_types
    where mint = '{mint}'
    obvdie IS NOT NULL
    obvdie != ''
    obvdie !='dupe'
    obvdie !='no_image'
    typeid !=''
    typeid IS NOT NULL
    group by obvdie
    """.format(mint = mint)
    df = pd.DataFrame()
    df = pd.read_sql_query(sql, cnx)
    df = sortMixedDatatable(df)

    return df

def obvinfochart(mint):
    dfObverseReverseCount = pd.DataFrame()
    dfObverseReverseCount = obversetoreversecounter(mint)
    dfobvprice = pd.DataFrame()
    dfobvprice = obverseToTypeList(mint)
    dfobvavgweight = pd.DataFrame()
    dfobvavgweight = obverseweightaverager(mint)
    dfobvcoincount = pd.DataFrame()
    dfobvcoincount = obversecoincounter(mint)
    dfObvinfo = pd.DataFrame()
    dfObvinfo = dfobvcoincount.copy()
    dfObvinfo = dfObvinfo.merge(dfObverseReverseCount, how='left')
    dfObvinfo = dfObvinfo.merge(dfobvavgweight, how='left')
    dfObvinfo = dfObvinfo.merge(dfobvprice, how='left')
    dfObvinfo.set_index('obverse_die', inplace=True)
    return dfObvinfo

def sortMixedDatatable (df):
    #we usually have mixed numbers and characters for naming conventions; this should arrange everythign nicely
    df.index = df['obverse_die'].str.replace('[a-zA-Z_]+','').astype(float)
    df = df.sort_index().reset_index(drop=True)
    return df

# SQL to get the mints / hoards as source, target with counts for weights
def coinNetworkSql(startdate, enddate, buffer):
    sd = startdate - buffer;
    ed = enddate - buffer;
    sql = """
        SELECT  aa_mints.mint_uri as source, 
        aa_hoards.location_uri as target, 
        LOWER( as label, 
        SUM(aa_mints.count) as weight
    aa_mints.hoard = aa_hoards.hoard_id
    CAST(b_start_date as decimal) >= {sd} and CAST(b_end_date as decimal) <= {ed}
    aa_hoards.hoard_id NOT IN (SELECT cross_reference FROM aa_parent_child)
    aa_mints.mint_uri IS NOT NULL 
    aa_mints.mint_uri <> ''
    AND aa_hoards.location_uri <> ''
    GROUP BY source, target, label
    ORDER BY label; 
    """.format(sd = sd, ed = ed)
    return sql

def makeweightgraph(df, fontsize, title, xlabel, ylabel, ylimit, bar_width):
    plt.rcParams.update({'font.size': fontsize})
    bar_width = bar_width
    fig, ax = plt.subplots()
    ax = df.plot(kind = 'bar', zorder=100, width=bar_width, label='Weight')
    plt.title(title, fontsize=fontsize+2)
    axes = plt.gca()
    for tick in ax.get_xticklabels():
        figure = plt.gcf() # get current figure
        figure.set_size_inches(8, 3)
def maketypeweightgraph(coinType, cleanedList, bar_width, sizex, sizey):
    coinType = coinType
    bar_width = bar_width
    ax = plt.hist(cleanedList, label="Number of Coins", bins=20, rwidth=bar_width)
    plt.ylabel('Number of Coins')
    plt.title("Weight histogram for {coinType}".format(coinType=coinType))
#this styles the networks according to the number of crossing routes    
def addNetworkRoutesFromFile(url, featuregroupname, sizeproperty, fillColor, routeMaxSize, routeMinSize, m):
    js_data = json.loads(requests.get(url).text)
    fg =
    oldmax = max(js_data['features'], key=lambda ev: ev['properties'][sizeproperty])['properties'][sizeproperty]
    oldmin = min(js_data['features'], key=lambda ev: ev['properties'][sizeproperty])['properties'][sizeproperty]
    for feature in js_data['features']:
        fillColor = fillColor
        color = fillColor
        weight = linReScale(oldmax, oldmin, routeMaxSize, routeMinSize, feature['properties'][sizeproperty])
        b = folium.GeoJson(feature,
                       style_function=lambda x, fillColor=fillColor, color=color, weight=weight: {
           "fillColor": fillColor,
            "color": fillColor,
            'weight': weight,
            'fillOpacity': 0.5,
            'opacity': 0.5
#this adds cities within each polity    
def addNetworkPointsFromFile(url, featuregroupname, radius, fillColor, popupfield, m):
    js_data = json.loads(requests.get(url).text)
    fg =
    for feature in js_data['features']:
        fillColor = fillColor
        if (feature['geometry']):
            lat = feature['geometry']['coordinates'][1]
            lon = feature['geometry']['coordinates'][0]
            b = folium.Circle(
                location=[lat, lon],
#this function displays hoards associated with a chosen mint in a catalog. 
def hoardsDisplay (mint, startdate, enddate, buffer):
    mintUri = '' + mint
    sd = startdate - buffer;
    ed = enddate - buffer;
    sql = """
        SELECT aa_hoards.hoard_id as id,
        MAX(aa_hoards.title) AS title,
        SUM(aa_mints.count) AS count,
        MAX(aa_mints.denomination) AS denomination,
        MAX(aa_mints.type) AS type,
        MAX(aa_hoards.b_start_date) AS burial_start,
        MAX(aa_hoards.b_end_date) AS burial_end,
        MAX(aa_hoards.contents) AS contents,
        MAX(aa_hoards.ex_start_date) AS discovered_at,
        MAX(aa_hoards.location_uri) AS location_uri
        LEFT JOIN
        aa_mints.hoard = aa_hoards.hoard_id
        CAST(b_start_date as decimal) >= {sd} and CAST(b_end_date as decimal) <= {ed}
        aa_hoards.hoard_id NOT IN (SELECT cross_reference FROM aa_parent_child)
        aa_hoards.hoard_id IN (SELECT aa_mints.hoard from aa_mints WHERE aa_mints.mint_uri = '{mintUri}')
        aa_mints.mint_uri = '{mintUri}'
        GROUP BY aa_hoards.hoard_id, aa_mints.mint_uri
        ORDER BY burial_start; 
    """.format(sd = sd, ed = ed, mintUri=mintUri)
    dfHoardCat = pd.read_sql_query(sql, cnx)
    return dfHoardCat

#This function maps hoards which are associated with a selected mint
def mintHoardMapper (hoarddf, nodeAttribute, mint, nodeMinSize, nodeMaxSize, m):
    sql = """
    SELECT AS location_uri,, aa_locations.lon FROM aa_locations;
    locdf = pd.DataFrame()
    locdf = pd.read_sql_query(sql, cnx)
    finaldf = hoarddf[(hoarddf['location_uri']!="null")]
    finaldf = finaldf[(finaldf['location_uri']!="")]
    finaldf = finaldf.merge(locdf, how='left')
    finaldf['lat'] = pd.to_numeric(finaldf['lat'])
    finaldf['lon'] = pd.to_numeric(finaldf['lon'])
    finaldf['count'] = pd.to_numeric(finaldf['count'])
    oldmax = hoarddf[nodeAttribute].max()
    oldmin = hoarddf[nodeAttribute].min()
    finaldf['size'] = linReScale(oldmax, oldmin, nodeMaxSize, nodeMinSize, finaldf['count'])

    for index, row in finaldf.iterrows():
        if float(row['lat']) < 9999999:
            popupText = '{title}'.format(title = row['title'])
            folium.CircleMarker(location = [row['lat'], row['lon']],
                                popup = popupText,
                                radius = row['size'],
                                color = 'black', 
                                weight = .5
    # now to put in the mint
    sql = """
    SELECT, places.title, places.reprlat, places.reprlong
    FROM places
    WHERE id = {mint};
    """.format(mint = mint)
    mintdf = pd.DataFrame()
    mintdf = pd.read_sql_query(sql, cnx)
    title = mintdf['title']
    folium.Marker([mintdf['reprlat'], mintdf['reprlong']], popup='{title}'.format(title = title)).add_to(m)
    return m

#this displays hoards as an ego network around a chosen mint
def hoardsEgoDisplay (mint, startdate, enddate, buffer):
    sd = startdate - buffer;
    ed = enddate - buffer;
    mintUri = '' + mint
    sql = """
        SELECT aa_hoards.hoard_id,
        MAX(aa_hoards.title) AS hoard_title,
        MAX( AS mint_title,
        SUM(aa_mints.count) AS count,
        MAX(aa_hoards.location_uri) AS location_uri
        LEFT JOIN
        aa_mints.hoard = aa_hoards.hoard_id
        CAST(b_start_date as decimal) >= {sd} and CAST(b_end_date as decimal) <= {ed}
        aa_hoards.hoard_id NOT IN (SELECT cross_reference FROM aa_parent_child)
        aa_hoards.hoard_id IN (SELECT aa_mints.hoard from aa_mints WHERE aa_mints.mint_uri = '{mintUri}')
        mint_uri != ''
        GROUP BY aa_hoards.hoard_id, mint_uri
        ORDER BY mint_uri; 
    """.format(sd = sd, ed = ed, mintUri=mintUri)    
    dfHoardEgo = pd.read_sql_query(sql, cnx)
    return dfHoardEgo

#this displays a graph of all of the coin hoards connected with a mint
def displayCoinEgoHoardGraph (coinHoardGraph, coinHoardGraphDict, maxNodeSize, MinNodeSize, maxEdgeSize, MinEdgeSize, figXsize, figYSize, nodes_df, FontSize):
    oldmax = int(max(coinHoardGraphDict.values()))
    oldmin = int(min(coinHoardGraphDict.values()))
    for k, v in coinHoardGraphDict.items():
        coinHoardGraphDict[k] = linReScale(oldmax, oldmin, maxNodeSize, MinNodeSize, v)
    edgeweights = [i['count'] for i in dict(coinHoardGraph.edges).values()]
    oldmax = max(edgeweights)
    oldmin = min(edgeweights)
    edgeweights = [linReScale(oldmax, oldmin, maxEdgeSize, MinEdgeSize, a) for a in edgeweights]
    labelcopy = pd.DataFrame()
    labelcopy = nodes_df.copy()
    labellist = labelcopy.filter(['mint_uri','title'])
    labellistDict = pd.Series(labellist.title.values,index=labellist.mint_uri).to_dict()

    fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(figXsize,figYSize))
    pos = nx.nx_agraph.graphviz_layout(coinHoardGraph, prog='neato')
    nx.draw_networkx_nodes(coinHoardGraph, pos, ax = ax, edgecolors = 'black', node_color=colors, cmap=my_colors, node_size=[v * 50 for v in coinHoardGraphDict.values()])
    nx.draw_networkx_edges(coinHoardGraph, pos, width=edgeweights, ax=ax)
    nx.draw_networkx_labels(coinHoardGraph, pos, labellistDict, font_size=FontSize,font_color='black')

#this creates dataframes from our graph data to use for maps and other 
def createMapDfs(dfEgoHoard, partition, graph, colormap):
    smallhoarddf = dfEgoHoard.groupby( ["location_uri", "hoard_id"] ).count().reset_index()
    sql = """
    SELECT AS location_uri, aa_locations.title,, aa_locations.lon FROM aa_locations;
    locdf = pd.DataFrame()
    locdf = pd.read_sql_query(sql, cnx)
    smallhoarddf = smallhoarddf.merge(locdf, how='left')
    del smallhoarddf['hoard_title']
    del smallhoarddf['mint_title']
    del smallhoarddf['mint_uri']
    del smallhoarddf['count']
    smallhoarddf.rename(columns={'location_uri':'mint_uri'}, inplace=True)
    smallhoarddf['title'] = smallhoarddf['hoard_id']
    mapDf = pd.DataFrame(coinHoardGraph.nodes, columns =['mint_uri']) 
    partdf = pd.DataFrame(list(partition.items()),columns = ['mint_uri','partition'])
    partdf['color'] = partdf.apply (lambda row: makeNetColor(row, my_colors), axis=1)
    mapDf = mapDf.merge(partdf, how='left')
    weightdf = pd.DataFrame(list('weight')),columns = ['mint_uri','degree']) 
    mapDf = mapDf.merge(weightdf, how='left')
    sql = """
    SELECT AS mint_uri, aa_locations.title,, aa_locations.lon 
    FROM aa_locations;
    locdf = pd.DataFrame()
    locdf = pd.read_sql_query(sql, cnx)
    mapDf = mapDf.merge(locdf, how='left')
    partdf.rename(columns={'mint_uri':'hoard_id'}, inplace=True)
    weightdf.rename(columns={'mint_uri':'hoard_id'}, inplace=True)
    smallhoarddf = smallhoarddf.merge(partdf, how='left')
    smallhoarddf = smallhoarddf.merge(weightdf, how='left')
    del smallhoarddf['mint_uri']
    smallhoarddf.rename(columns={'hoard_id':'mint_uri'}, inplace=True)
    mapDf = mapDf[mapDf['lat'].notna()]
    smallhoarddf['lat'] = pd.to_numeric(smallhoarddf['lat'])
    smallhoarddf['lon'] = pd.to_numeric(smallhoarddf['lon'])
    smallhoarddf['degree'] = pd.to_numeric(smallhoarddf['degree'])

    mapDf['lat'] = pd.to_numeric(mapDf['lat'])
    mapDf['lon'] = pd.to_numeric(mapDf['lon'])
    mapDf['degree'] = pd.to_numeric(mapDf['degree'])

    dataframeResults['mintsDf'] = mapDf
    dataframeResults['hoardsDf'] = smallhoarddf
    mapDf = mapDf.merge(smallhoarddf, how='outer')
    mapDf = mapDf[(mapDf['lat']!="lat")]
    mapDf = mapDf[(mapDf['lat']!="")]
    dataframeResults['mapDf'] = mapDf
    return dataframeResults

#this function populates a feature group from a datatable, rescaleas it, then adds it to the map

def addFeatureGrouptoMap(df, featuregroup, nodeMaxSize, nodeMinSize, nodeAttribute, nodeTitle, m):
    oldmax = df[nodeAttribute].max()
    oldmin = df[nodeAttribute].min()

    for index, row in df.iterrows():
        if float(row['lat']) < 9999999:
            radius = linReScale(oldmax, oldmin, nodeMaxSize, nodeMinSize, row['degree'])
            popupText = 'Title: {title}'.format(title = row[nodeTitle])
            featuregroup.add_child(folium.CircleMarker(location = [row['lat'], row['lon']],
                                popup = popupText,
                                radius = radius,
                                color = 'black', 
                                weight = .5

def addFeatureLabelstoMap(df, nodeTitle, m, fontsize):
    for index, row in df.iterrows():
        if float(row['lat']) < 9999999:
            folium.Marker(location = [row['lat'], row['lon']],
                              html='<div style="font-size: {fontsize}pt">{label}</div>'.format(label = row[nodeTitle], fontsize = fontsize))

#this function maps all of the hoards between two given years, partitions them, and returns a dataframe           
def hoardsGroupMapper(startdate, enddate, buffer, mapcolorramp, featuregroup):
    sql = coinNetworkSql(startdate, enddate, buffer)
    dfmaptest = pd.DataFrame()
    dfmaptest = pd.read_sql_query(sql, cnx)
    mapgraph = nx.from_pandas_edgelist(dfmaptest, 'source', 'target', 'weight')
    partition = community.best_partition(mapgraph)
    modularity = community.modularity(partition, mapgraph)
    dfmap = createMapDataframe(dfmaptest, mapgraph, partition, mapcolorramp)
    return dfmap

### This function creates the dataframe necessary for the map out of all of the various measurements, etc.
def createMapDataframe(dataframe, graph, partition, color_map):
    sql = """
        SELECT AS source, 
        aa_locations.geom FROM aa_locations;
    dataframe = pd.DataFrame()
    dataframe = pd.read_sql_query(sql, cnx)
    partdf = pd.DataFrame(list(partition.items()),columns = ['source','partition'])
    dataframe = dataframe.merge(partdf, how='left')
    weightdf = pd.DataFrame(list('weight')),columns = ['source','weighted_degree']) 
    dataframe = dataframe.merge(weightdf, how='left')
    degreedf = pd.DataFrame(list(,columns = ['source','degree']) 
    dataframe = dataframe.merge(degreedf, how='left')
    dataframe = dataframe[dataframe.partition.notnull()]
    columncolor = dataframe[['source', 'partition']] 
    minima = min(columncolor['partition'].tolist())
    maxima = max(columncolor['partition'].tolist())
    norm = matplotlib.colors.Normalize(vmin=minima, vmax=maxima, clip=True)
    mapper = cm.ScalarMappable(norm=norm, cmap=color_map)
    aDict = {}
    #since for some reasin the color mapper is not callable within an iterated dataframe, we are going to do this the hard way
    for index, row in dataframe.iterrows():
        aDict[row['source']] = str(matplotlib.colors.to_hex(mapper.to_rgba(row['partition'])))
    colordf = pd.DataFrame(list(aDict.items()), columns=['source', 'color'])
    dataframe = dataframe.merge(colordf, how='left')
    sql = """
    SELECT AS location_uri,, aa_locations.lon FROM aa_locations;
    locdf = pd.DataFrame()
    locdf = pd.read_sql_query(sql, cnx)

    dataframe = dataframe.merge(locdf, how='left')
    dataframe[["lat", "lon"]] = dataframe[["lat", "lon"]].apply(pd.to_numeric)
    return dataframe

The Study

overview map of aeolian cities

Historical Background

Temnos was an Aeolian polis, well attested in the literary and epigraphical record. Herodotus placed the community in his list of Aeolian cities, including “…Cyme (called “Phriconian”), Lerisae, New Teichos, Temnos, Cilla, Notion, Aegiroessa, Pitane, Aegaeae, Myrina, [and] Gryneia.” (Hdt. 1.149) Although absent from the Athenian tribute lists and therefore not a member of the fifth century Delian league, Temnos and its citizens appear with frequency by the 4th century (M. H. Hansen et al. (2004), p. 1050). Temnos is found in Xeonphon’s Anabasis, where Democrates of Temnos served as a scout with the Ten Thousand in 401-399 (Xen. Anab. 4.4). The Spartan Dercylidas, fighting the Persians in Asia Minor in 399-397, stated that Temnos, although “not a large polis”, was nevertheless not subject to the Persian monarch and by implication effectively autonomous, a “fact” which was almost certainly colored by Dercylidas’ rhetoric against the Great King (Xen. Hell. 4.8.5: “…καὶ Τῆμνος, οὐ μεγάλη πόλις…”).

Following the reign of Alexander the Great (336-323), Temnians could be found throughout the Hellenistic world. A marriage contract from Egypt, witnessed by Temnians, was crafted for a Herakleides of Temnos and a Demetria of Kos under Ptolemy I and further Temnian witnesses are attested in another Egyptian contract from c. 284 (P. Eleph, 2; P. Eleph, 1). Also early in the third century, Temnos entered into a treaty of isopolity with Pergamon which almost certainly predated the creation of the Attalid Kingdom (OGIS 265; Allen (1983), p. 16-17). This agreement granted the same rights, taxes, and land ownership privileges to the citizens of both communities and the equality of the provisions highlights the cities’ political parity. Temnos also seems to have had a significant connection with Smyrna in the third century, a polis that was firmly in the Seleucid sphere of influence at the time (Robert (1970), p. 90-96; Allen (1983), p. 17-18). Judges from the Carian polis Cnidus negotiated a truce between Temnos and Clazomenae in the early second century and Strabo lists the polis as the birthplace of the rhetor Hermagoras, active in the middle of the second century (SEG 29.1130 bis A and B; SEG 36.1040; Robert, REG 1980, 438; Strab. 13.3; Kennedy (1994), p. 97; Dmitriev (2005), p. 300). Although certainly not the leading polis of Aeolis (an honor which belonged to Cyme (Sacks (1985), p. 2)), Temnos and its citizens were nevertheless active participants in the greater Hellenistic world.

Temnos Minting History

Temnian minting activity is known by at least the fourth century from bronze issues featuring an ivy-wreathed bearded Head of Dionysos on the obverse and grapes with vine leaves and tendrils on the reverse. This basic design for bronzes continued in the third, second, and first centuries, with the reverse featuring a succession of different control marks. Temnos also minted silver hemidrachms in the second century featuring a laureate head of Apollo on the obverse and a one-handled vase underneath grape-leaves and vine tendrils with various control marks on the reverse. Bronze coinage continued into the imperial Roman period, although silver coinage appears to have ceased following the issue of Alexander tetradrachms, which were minted between c. 200 to slightly before 143/142.

It is this last type of coinage, the posthumous Alexander issues, which are the focus of this study. Based on the new Attic weight tetradrachms, the design of the Temnian coins mirrors that of other civic posthumous Alexanders (Price (1991), p. 38 ff). These silver coins feature a beardless head of Heracles in profile facing to the right on the obverse. His hair flows out from under his lion-skin cap as he gazes beyond the right border of the coin. On the reverse sits Zeus in the center, in semi-profile on a throne facing left, gripping a scepter in his left hand while supporting and eagle in the right hand of his outstretched arm. His right leg rests behind his left leg, while the left of the coin features control marks above an oinochoe that in later issues sits below a vine tendril. On some issues there are control marks beneath the throne. In all examples ΑΛΕΞΑΝΔΡΟΥ runs vertically down the edge of the coin to the right of Zeus. The flans of the coins are generally broad and flat, especially for types 1667-1690.

coin 1944.100.31424 from the American Numismatic Society

The major variations in the series are the monograms on the reverse, most of which are identified by Price, who numbers them from 1665-1690. Further publications, hoard evidence, and this study have revealed several new types which are given below.

Full catalog

This listing provides an interactive and searchable full catalog of the database. If you consult the other jupyter notebook you can find example functions on how to sort, examine, or modify this table to your needs.

coinCatdf = pd.DataFrame()
coinCatdf = coinCatalogWorking(mint["temnos"])

coinGraph = nx.from_pandas_edgelist(coinCatdf, source='obverse', target='type')
coinGraphDegree = dict(**{
    'font-size': '8pt',
})[dict(selector='th', props='min-width: 20px;'),])
Table 1: Full Catalog
id type obverse reverse weight rotation size title
681 1665 t_1665_2 tr_1665_2 16.580000 12 British Museum. #BNK,G.190
120 1665 t_1665_3 tr_1665_3 nan ANS Photo File, Neg. 101.10
453 1665 t_1665_5 tr_1665_1 16.730000 12 ANS. #1951.90.7
1019 1665 t_1665_5 tr_1665_4 16.690000 Gorny & Mosch Giessener Münzhandlung, Auktion 216, 15 Oktober 2013. #2309
1087 1665 t_1665_5 tr_1665_4 16.970000 Ira & Larry Goldberg Coins & Collectibles, Auction 67, 31 January 2012. #3139 = Lober, Demetrius I. #172
788 1665 t_1665_5 tr_1665_5 16.770000 1 29.5 CNG, Auction 99, 13 May 2015. #202
1079 1665 t_1665_5 tr_1665_5 nan Hoover, Pamphylia or Cilica, #91
47 1665 t_1665_5 tr_1665_5 16.780000 ANS Photo File, Bement Sale I, Naville VI-Geneva, 1925. #757
83 1665 t_1665_5 tr_1665_5 16.780000 ANS Photo File, Glendining, 12 February 1958. #1371
121 1665 t_1665_5 tr_1665_6 nan ANS Photo File, Neg. 113.6
1543 1665 t_1665_5 tr_1665_6 16.670000 12 SNG – Deutschland, Staatliche Münzsammlung München 10./11. Heft, 2001. #492
1391 1665 t_1665_5 tr_1665_7 16.730000 Noble Numismatics Pty Ltd, Auction 109, 28 July 2015. #3594
444 1665 t_1665_5 tr_1665_8 16.800000 12 ANS. #1951.35.2
1471 1665 t_1665_5 tr_1665_8 16.770000 Oclay and Seyrig, le Trésor de Mektepini en Phyrgie. #257
583 1666 t_1666_1 tr_1666_1 16.220000 Bibliothèque nationale de France. #btv1b10304925b
578 1667 t_1667_1 tr_1667_1 16.650000 Bibliothèque nationale de France. #btv1b103049203
887 1668 t_1668_1 tr_1668_1 16.700000 Dr. Busso Peus, Nachf., catalog 318, 7-8 May 1987. #1244
443 1668 t_1668_1 tr_1668_1 16.140000 12 ANS. #1951.19.7
18 1669 t_1668_1 tr_1669_1 nan ANS Photo File, #136.14
678 1669 t_1668_1 tr_1669_1 15.760000 11 British Museum. #1924,1003.2
1398 1669 t_1668_1 tr_1669_1 16.724000 Noble Numismatics Pty. Ltd. Sale No. 77, 24-26 November 2004. #3125
582 1669 t_1668_1 tr_1669_2 15.780000 Bibliothèque nationale de France. #btv1b10304924w
581 1669 t_1668_1 tr_1669_2 15.660000 Bibliothèque nationale de France. #btv1b10304923f
17 1669 t_1668_1 tr_1669_2 nan ANS Photo File, #129.6
32 1669 t_1668_1 tr_1669_2 nan ANS Photo File, #neg.35.3
580 1669 t_1668_1 tr_1669_2 15.660000 Bibliothèque nationale de France. #btv1b103049220
635 1669 t_1668_1 tr_1669_2 16.400000 Birkler & Waddell LTD., Auction I, 7 December 1979. #95
1023 1669 t_1668_1 tr_1669_2 16.650000 Graupner, 5 November 1983. #77
1175 1669 t_1668_1 tr_1669_2 nan Kurpfälzische Münzhandlung, Auction XXVII, 12-15 December 1984. #77
903 1669 t_1668_1 tr_1669_2 nan Frank L. Kovacs, Mail Bid Sale IV, 8 August 1983. #75
1439 1669 t_1668_1 tr_1669_2 15.920000 1 Numismatik Lanz München, Auction 44, 16 May 1988. #191
511 1669 t_1668_1 tr_1669_3 16.600000 11 38 Auge, Davesne, and Ergeç, Gaziantep 1994. #10
530 1669 t_1668_1 tr_1669_3 16.730000 12 35 Auge, Davesne, and Ergeç, Gaziantep 1994. #9
403 1669 t_1668_1 tr_1669_4 15.480000 12 ANS. #1944.100.31417
1141 1669 t_1668_1 tr_1669_5 16.600000 Jesus Vico S.A., 11 June 1998. #67
1541 1669 t_1668_1 tr_1669_6 16.020000 12 SNG – Danish National Museum, Supplement, Acquisitions 1942-1996. #138
1018 1669 t_1668_1 tr_1669_7 16.120000 Gorny & Mosch Giessener Münzhandlung, Auction 244, 6 Mar. 2017, #183
1427 1669 t_1668_1 tr_1669_8 nan Numismatica Dr. Guiseppe Toderi, 1972 #2. #165
579 1670 t_1668_1 tr_1670_1 15.040000 Bibliothèque nationale de France. #btv1b10304921j = ANS Photo File. #35.2
493 1670v t_1668_1 tr_1670v_1 16.650000 Ariadne Galleries, 9 December 1981.#114
673 1671 t_1671_1 tr_1671_2 16.520000 1 British Museum. #1888,0614.78
30 1671 t_1671_1 tr_1671_3 nan ANS Photo File, #5.3-A.U.B
1587 1671 t_1671_1 tr_1671_3 15.630000 1 32 Staatliche Museen zu Berlin. #18245313
1049 1671 t_1671_2 tr_1671_1 16.490000 Heidelberger Münzhandlung Herbert Grün e.K., Auction 49, 20 May 2008. #26
435 1672 t_1672_1 tr_1672_1 15.710000 12 ANS. #1947.98.151
633 1672 t_1672_1 tr_1672_1 16.350000 Bibliothèque nationale de France. #btv1b8476485b
584 1672 t_1672_1 tr_1672_2 16.100000 Bibliothèque nationale de France. #btv1b10304926s
585 1672 t_1672_1 tr_1672_2 16.620000 Bibliothèque nationale de France. #btv1b103049277
1101 1672 t_1672_1 tr_1672_2 16.140000 Italo Vecchi, LTD., Nummorum Auctiones 6. 9-10 June 1997. #374
672 1672 t_1672_1 tr_1672_3 16.620000 12 British Museum. #1888,0614.77
1017 1672 t_1672_1 tr_1672_4 16.190000 Gorny & Mosch Giessener Münzhandlung, Auction 236, 7 Mar. 2016, #235
1153 1672 t_1672_1 tr_1672_5 16.070000 Josiane Vedrines, 14 December 1995. #55.
1218 1672 t_1672_1 tr_1672_6 nan Le Rider, Suse sous les Séleucides et les Parthes, 1965, Trésor 6. #619
1389 1672 t_1672_1 tr_1672_7 15.740000 Noble Numismatics Pty Ltd, Auction 101, 20 November 2012. #3388
1586 1672 t_1672_1 tr_1672_7 16.360000 12 34 Staatliche Museen zu Berlin. #18245312
1532 1672 t_1672_1 tr_1672_8 16.620000 Seyrig, Trésors du Levant, Trésor de Tell kotchek, 1952. #15.18
1533 1675 t_1675_1 tr_1675_1 nan Seyrig, Trésors du Levant, Trésor de Tell kotchek, 1952. #15.20
1478 1675 t_1675_1 tr_1675_1 15.400000 12 35 Princeton University Library, #659
1588 1675 t_1675_1 tr_1675_1 14.570000 12 36 Staatliche Museen zu Berlin. #18245319
1151 1676 t_1676_1 550908_r_103 nan Joseph Lepczyk, 28-30 May 1976. #1075
1608 1676 t_1676_1 550908_r_106 16.380000 Superior Galleries, Mail Bid Sale, 31 May - 1 June 1988. #1478
767 1676 t_1676_1 550908_r_108 16.740000 CNG Auction 37, 20 March 1996. #205
414 1676 t_1676_1 550908_r_109 15.680000 12 ANS. #1944.100.31428
437 1676 t_1676_1 550908_r_110 15.930000 12 ANS. #1947.98.153
415 1676 t_1676_1 550908_r_114 16.460000 12 ANS. #1944.100.31429
763 1676 t_1676_1 550908_r_115 16.590000 CNG Auction 35, 20 September 1995. #106
648 1676 t_1676_1 tr_1676_1 16.330000 Bourgey, 27 October 1981. #31
502 1676 t_1676_1 tr_1676_1 16.450000 Asta XI, 12-13 December 2002. Unknown Number
323 1676 t_1676_1 tr_1676_14 nan ANS Photo File, Tell Kotchek, Poladian Record, 1952. Card 49. #C1
329 1676 t_1676_1 tr_1676_14 nan ANS Photo File, Tell Kotchek, Poladian Record, 1952. Card 50. #C1
450 1676 t_1676_1 tr_1676_17 16.230000 12 ANS. #1951.35.26
6 1676 t_1676_1 tr_1676_18 16.210000 Ader Tajan, Numimonnaies, 15 November 1991. #246
378 1676 t_1676_1 tr_1676_2 16.980000 ANS Photo File. Glendining, 12 February 1958. #1365
1560 1676 t_1676_1 tr_1676_2 16.980000 12 SNG UK. Vol III. #1468 Lockett Collection.
940 1676 t_1676_1 tr_1676_21 16.720000 Fritz Rudolf Künker Münzenhandlung, Auction 34, 8-10 October 1996. #108
1430 1676 t_1676_1 tr_1676_29 16.590000 12 Numismatik Lanz München, Auction 125, 30 May 2005. #254
916 1676 t_1676_1 tr_1676_31 16.540000 Freeman & Sear, Mail Bid Sale 1, 10 March 1995. #156
1414 1676 t_1676_1 tr_1676_31 nan Numismatic Fine Arts, Auction XXXIII, May 3 1994. #1302
1192 1676 t_1676_1 tr_1676_35 nan Le Rider, Suse sous les Séleucides et les Parthes, 1965, Trésor 6. #615.13
383 1676 t_1676_1 tr_1676_35 16.220000 12 ANS Photo File. Museo Civico, Torino. #Fab.253
512 1676 t_1676_1 tr_1676_36 16.720000 11 33 Auge, Davesne, and Ergeç, Gaziantep 1994. #11
986 1676 t_1676_1 tr_1676_36 nan Glendining & Co. Garth R Drewy Collection, 7 April, 1971. #36
981 1676 t_1676_1 tr_1676_36 nan Glendining & Co. 8 November, 1980. #15
984 1676 t_1676_1 tr_1676_36 nan Glendining & Co. Collection of Dr. Garth R. Drewry. 7 April, 1971. #36
13 1676 t_1676_1 tr_1676_36 nan Alex G. Malloy, Auction Sale XXXI, 26 October 1990.#87
545 1676 t_1676_1 tr_1676_37 16.560000 Baldwin's, Auction 4, 3 May 1995. #20
1191 1676 t_1676_1 tr_1676_37 nan Le Rider, Suse sous les Séleucides et les Parthes, 1965, Trésor 6. #615.12
513 1676 t_1676_1 tr_1676_37 16.920000 11 35 Auge, Davesne, and Ergeç, Gaziantep 1994. #12
48 1676 t_1676_1 tr_1676_39 16.550000 ANS Photo File, Bement Sale I, Naville VI-Geneva, 1925(?). #758
1459 1676 t_1676_1 tr_1676_4 15.820000 12 Numismatik Lanz München, Auction 58, 21 November 1991. #203
1199 1676 t_1676_1 tr_1676_4 nan Le Rider, Suse sous les Séleucides et les Parthes, 1965, Trésor 6. #615.6
1037 1676 t_1676_1 tr_1676_4 16.580000 Harlan J. Berk, LTD. 105Th Buy or Buid Sale, 17 November 1998. #175
1429 1676 t_1676_1 tr_1676_4 16.590000 12 33 Numismatik Lanz München, Auction 125, 28 November 2005. #254
84 1676 t_1676_1 tr_1676_4 nan ANS Photo File, H. Grunthal 2, 21 May 1946. #349
392 1676 t_1676_1 tr_1676_9 16.200000 ANS Photo File. Tell Kotchek, 1952 (Baldwin 1971), Card 3. Unnumbered. #3
53 1676 t_1676_1 tr_34 16.350000 ANS Photo File, Bourgey, 21-22 June 1979. #39
115 1676 t_1676_1 tr_34 16.660000 ANS Photo File, Münz. & Med., FPL. 343, March 1973. #14
768 1676 t_1676_1 tr_35 16.790000 CNG Auction XXVII, 29 September 1993. #439
915 1676 t_1676_1 tr_35 16.420000 Freeman & Sear, Mail Bid Sale 1, 10 March 1995. #155
930 1676 t_1676_1 tr_35 16.590000 Fritz Rudolf Künker GmbH & Co. KG, Auction 104, 27 September 2005. #242
977 1676 t_1676_1 tr_35 16.670000 Giessener Münzhandlung, Auktion 42, 11 October 1988. #184
102 1676 t_1676_1 tr_35 16.000000 ANS Photo File, M Ratto, 16-17 May 1935. #8
327 1676 t_1676_1 tr_36 nan ANS Photo File, Tell Kotchek, Poladian Record, 1952. Card 49. #C5
328 1676 t_1676_1 tr_36 nan ANS Photo File, Tell Kotchek, Poladian Record, 1952. Card 49. #C6
334 1676 t_1676_1 tr_36 nan ANS Photo File, Tell Kotchek, Poladian Record, 1952. Card 50. #C6
68 1676 t_1676_1 tr_36 nan ANS Photo File, From Poladian, 8 November 1952. #547
86 1676 t_1676_1 tr_39 nan ANS Photo File, Harvey Hurtz Collection, Berkeley.
91 1676 t_1676_1 tr_42 16.650000 ANS Photo File, Hirsch 92, 25-27 March 1975. #31
100 1676 t_1676_1 tr_44 nan ANS Photo File, Lepzyk, 28-30 May 1976. #1075
107 1676 t_1676_1 tr_45 16.520000 ANS Photo File, Malter, 6-7 December 1971. #287
330 1676 t_1676_1 tr_62 nan ANS Photo File, Tell Kotchek, Poladian Record, 1952. Card 50. #C2
324 1676 t_1676_1 tr_62 nan ANS Photo File, Tell Kotchek, Poladian Record, 1952. Card 49. #C2
331 1676 t_1676_1 tr_62 nan ANS Photo File, Tell Kotchek, Poladian Record, 1952. Card 50. #C3
332 1676 t_1676_1 tr_63 nan ANS Photo File, Tell Kotchek, Poladian Record, 1952. Card 50. #C4
326 1676 t_1676_1 tr_63 nan ANS Photo File, Tell Kotchek, Poladian Record, 1952. Card 49. #C4
333 1676 t_1676_1 tr_64 nan ANS Photo File, Tell Kotchek, Poladian Record, 1952. Card 50. #C5
479 1676 t_1676_10 550908_r_76 16.600000 1 ANS. #1952.177.5
342 1676 t_1676_10 tr_1676_20 nan ANS Photo File, Tell Kotchek, Poladian Record, Fall 1952. Card 12. #D2
149 1676 t_1676_10 tr_49 nan ANS Photo File, Tell Kotchek, Hecht ex Poladian, Fall 1952. Card 2, Unnumbered. #2
271 1676 t_1676_10 tr_57 nan ANS Photo File, Tell Kotchek, Poladian Record, 1952. Card 386. #D1
341 1676 t_1676_10 tr_57 nan ANS Photo File, Tell Kotchek, Poladian Record, Fall 1952. Card 12. #D1
456 1676 t_1676_11 550908_r_121 16.430000 12 ANS. #1952.177.11
793 1676 t_1676_11 550908_r_128 16.650000 35 CNG, e-auction 144. #73
970 1676 t_1676_11 550908_r_129 16.110000 Gerhard Hirsch, Katalog 125, Auktion, 21-24 April, 1981. #3100
1036 1676 t_1676_11 550908_r_131 nan Hans M.F. Schulman, 9-10 December 1966. #227
919 1676 t_1676_11 550908_r_134 16.350000 Freeman & Sear, Mail Bid Sale 10, 11 February 2004. #122
347 1676 t_1676_11 tr_1676_1 nan ANS Photo File, Tell Kotchek, Poladian Record, Fall 1952. Card 13. #F2
1571 1676 t_1676_11 tr_1676_19 15.580000 12 36.5 Staatliche Museen zu Berlin. #18245284
599 1676 t_1676_11 tr_1676_44 16.270000 Bibliothèque nationale de France. #btv1b10304941c
348 1676 t_1676_11 tr_1676_7 nan ANS Photo File, Tell Kotchek, Poladian Record, Fall 1952. Card 13. #F3
379 1676 t_1676_11 tr_1676_8 nan ANS Photo File. H.M.F. Schulman, 9-10 December 1966. #227
936 1676 t_1676_11 tr_35 16.200000 Fritz Rudolf Künker GmbH & Co. KG, Auction 89, 8 March 2004. #1353
960 1676 t_1676_12 550908_r_69 16.640000 Gerhard Hirsch, Auktion 187, 19-23 September, 1995. #268
1381 1676 t_1676_12 550908_r_70 nan 35 Münzen und Medaillen, Auktion XVII, 8 May 1967. #71
864 1676 t_1676_12 550908_r_71 16.270000 Coin Galleries, Mail and Internet Bid Sale, 10 September 2008. #548
1201 1676 t_1676_12 550908_r_72 nan Le Rider, Suse sous les Séleucides et les Parthes, 1965, Trésor 6. #615.9
505 1676 t_1676_12 550908_r_72 16.270000 Auctiones S.A (?), 18 - 19 Septeber 1985. #78
1416 1676 t_1676_12 550908_r_73 nan Numismatic Fine Arts, Auction XXXIII, May 3 1994. #1304
440 1676 t_1676_12 550908_r_74 16.830000 12 ANS. #1948.19.909
1200 1676 t_1676_12 550908_r_75 nan Le Rider, Suse sous les Séleucides et les Parthes, 1965, Trésor 6. #615.8
409 1676 t_1676_12 550908_r_93 16.430000 11 ANS. #1944.100.31423
905 1676 t_1676_12 550908_r_93 nan 34 Frank S. Robinson, Mail Bid Sale 33, 13 September 1995. #74
1150 1676 t_1676_12 550908_r_93 16.420000 John R. Gainor, Summer Sale, 25 September 1994. #16
1612 1676 t_1676_12 tr_1676_18 nan Superior, World Coins. Winter 1976. #16
1487 1676 t_1676_12 tr_1676_26 16.640000 12 34 Roma Numismatics Limited, E-SALE 19, 1 Aug. 2015, #159
812 1676 t_1676_12 tr_1676_27 16.620000 12 36 CNG, e-auction 259. #113
1032 1676 t_1676_12 tr_1676_27 16.300000 H.D. Rauch, Summer Auction 2009, 17-19 September 2009. #D148
480 1676 t_1676_12 tr_1676_27 16.440000 1 ANS. #1952.177.6
594 1676 t_1676_12 tr_1676_28 16.110000 Bibliothèque nationale de France. #btv1b103049366
1441 1676 t_1676_12 tr_1676_28 16.250000 12 Numismatik Lanz München, Auction 48, 22 May 1989. #298
1497 1676 t_1676_12 tr_1676_28 16.910000 12 35 Roma Numismatics Ltd, Auction 4, 30 September 2012. #218
597 1676 t_1676_12 tr_1676_43 16.340000 Bibliothèque nationale de France. #btv1b10304939j
598 1676 t_1676_12 tr_1676_43 15.940000 Bibliothèque nationale de France. #btv1b10304940x
595 1676 t_1676_12 tr_1676_9 16.410000 Bibliothèque nationale de France. #btv1b10304937n
273 1676 t_1676_12 tr_58 nan ANS Photo File, Tell Kotchek, Poladian Record, 1952. Card 386. #E1
343 1676 t_1676_12 tr_63 nan ANS Photo File, Tell Kotchek, Poladian Record, Fall 1952. Card 12. #E1
345 1676 t_1676_12 tr_70 nan ANS Photo File, Tell Kotchek, Poladian Record, Fall 1952. Card 12. #E3
455 1676 t_1676_13 550908_r_90 16.580000 12 ANS. #1952.177.10
950 1676 t_1676_13 tr_1676_14 15.910000 Gerhard Hirsch, Auktion 161, 22-24 February, 1989. #155
399 1676 t_1676_13 tr_1676_14 nan ANS Photo File. Vinchon, 14 May 1962, Pl.9. #177
434 1676 t_1676_13 tr_1676_14 15.740000 12 ANS. #1947.97.281
900 1676 t_1676_13 tr_1676_14 nan Étienne Ader, Sale 10, 14 May 1962. #177
1423 1676 t_1676_13 tr_1676_14 15.930000 Numismatica Ars Classica, Auction E, 4 April 1995. #2258
81 1676 t_1676_13 tr_1676_14 16.390000 ANS Photo File, G. Hirsch, 27-29 June 1972. #107
893 1676 t_1676_13 tr_1676_16 16.470000 Elayi, Trésor de la Beqa, #2
1041 1676 t_1676_13 tr_1676_16 16.690000 Harlan J. Berk, LTD. 58Th Buy or Bid Sale, 28 June 1989. #132
1082 1676 t_1676_13 tr_1676_16 16.290000 12 33 iNumis Mail Bid Sale 22, 4 June 2013. #18
1523 1676 t_1676_13 tr_1676_16 16.470000 Schweizerischer Bankverein, Auction 30, 15-17 September 1992. #30
705 1676 t_1676_13 tr_1676_16 16.800000 Christie's, 14 June 1993. #40
709 1676 t_1676_13 tr_1676_16 nan Clark's Ancient Coins Auction 101, March 17, 1997. #8
1173 1676 t_1676_13 tr_1676_16 nan Kurpfälzische Münzhandlung, Auction XXV, 1-3 December 1983. #88
1477 1676 t_1676_13 tr_1676_16 16.290000 Poinsignon Numismatique & Cabinet Numisatique, Sale 2, 16 March 1985. #171
1514 1676 t_1676_13 tr_1676_16 nan Saint Louis Art Museum. #1241991
1643 1676 t_1676_13 tr_1676_16 16.690000 12 36 Triskeles Auctions, Sale 16, 3 June 2016, #35
591 1676 t_1676_13 tr_1676_25 15.980000 Bibliothèque nationale de France. #btv1b10304933v
166 1676 t_1676_13 tr_1676_4 nan ANS Photo File, Tell Kotchek, Hecht ex Poladian, Fall 1952. Card 5, Unnumbered. #1
265 1676 t_1676_13 tr_54 nan ANS Photo File, Tell Kotchek, Poladian Record, 1952. Card 35. #K1
1397 1676 t_1676_14 550908_r_87 16.704000 Noble Numismatics Pty. Ltd. Sale No. 76, 27-29 July 2004. #3183
924 1676 t_1676_14 550908_r_90 16.740000 Freeman & Sear, Mail Bid Sale 12, 28 October 2005. #75
1544 1676 t_1676_14 550908_r_96 15.500000 11 SNG – Deutschland, Staatliche Münzsammlung München 10./11. Heft, 2001. #493 (Acc. 72653)
335 1676 t_1676_14 tr_1676_18 nan ANS Photo File, Tell Kotchek, Poladian Record, Fall 1952. Card 10. #A1
789 1676 t_1676_14 tr_1676_18 16.320000 CNG, Auction IX, 7 December, 1989. #44
412 1676 t_1676_14 tr_1676_18 16.390000 12 ANS. #1944.100.31426
815 1676 t_1676_14 tr_1676_21 16.400000 1 34 CNG, e-auction 262. #124
336 1676 t_1676_14 tr_1676_21 nan ANS Photo File, Tell Kotchek, Poladian Record, Fall 1952. Card 10. #A2
674 1676 t_1676_14 tr_1676_21 16.510000 1 British Museum. #1896,0703.155
1539 1676 t_1676_14 tr_1676_21 nan Seyrig, Trésors du Levant, Trésor de Tell kotchek, 1952. #15.75
338 1676 t_1676_14 tr_1676_22 nan ANS Photo File, Tell Kotchek, Poladian Record, Fall 1952. Card 11. #A4
907 1676 t_1676_14 tr_1676_22 nan Frank Sternberg Nr. 4, Juli/August 1992. #36
1522 1676 t_1676_14 tr_1676_22 16.850000 Schweizerische Kreditanstalt Auction 7, 27-29 April 1987. #221
1325 1676 t_1676_14 tr_1676_27 16.700000 Lober, Demetrius I. #229
937 1676 t_1676_14 tr_1676_27 16.560000 Fritz Rudolf Künker GmbH & Co. KG, Auction 89, 8 March 2004. #1354
943 1676 t_1676_14 tr_1676_27 16.560000 Fritz Rudolf Künker Münzenhandlung, Auction 89, 8-9 March, 2004. #1354
337 1676 t_1676_14 tr_1676_32 nan ANS Photo File, Tell Kotchek, Poladian Record, Fall 1952. Card 10. #A3
925 1676 t_1676_14 tr_1676_32 16.650000 Freeman & Sear, Mail Bid Sale 12, 28 October 2005. #76
1324 1676 t_1676_14 tr_1676_32 16.740000 Lober, Demetrius I. #228
406 1676 t_1676_14 tr_1676_32 16.390000 12 ANS. #1944.100.31420
1326 1676 t_1676_14 tr_1676_33 16.650000 Lober, Demetrius I. #230
588 1676 t_1676_14 tr_1676_36 16.900000 Bibliothèque nationale de France. #btv1b10304930h
1593 1676 t_1676_14 tr_1676_5 16.500000 Stack's Bowers and Ponterio, Sale 163, November 2011 Baltimore Auction, 16 November 2011. #20804
476 1676 t_1676_14 tr_1676_5 16.580000 12 ANS. #1952.177.3
945 1676 t_1676_14 tr_1676_5 16.570000 Gemini, Auction I, 11 January 2005. #81
384 1676 t_1676_14 tr_1676_6 nan ANS Photo File. Myers Adams, No. 4, 30 October 1972. #546
387 1676 t_1676_14 tr_1676_6 16.560000 ANS Photo File. Tell Kotchek, 1952 (Baldwin 1971), Card 2. Unnumbered. #2
1346 1676 t_1676_14 tr_43 nan Münchner Münzhandlung Karl Kreß, 161, 24-25 October 1974. #194
339 1676 t_1676_14 tr_43 nan ANS Photo File, Tell Kotchek, Poladian Record, Fall 1952. Card 11. #A5
413 1676 t_1676_14 tr_43 15.630000 12 ANS. #1944.100.31427
923 1676 t_1676_14 tr_43 16.700000 Freeman & Sear, Mail Bid Sale 12, 28 October 2005. #74
173 1676 t_1676_14 tr_51 nan ANS Photo File, Tell Kotchek, Hecht ex Poladian, Fall 1952. Card 6, Unnumbered. #5
340 1676 t_1676_14 tr_52 nan ANS Photo File, Tell Kotchek, Poladian Record, Fall 1952. Card 11. #A6
1538 1676 t_1676_16 550908_r_116 16.350000 Seyrig, Trésors du Levant, Trésor de Tell kotchek, 1952. #15.74
861 1676 t_1676_16 tr_1676_11 16.780000 Coin Galleries, 22 July 1992. #69
389 1676 t_1676_16 tr_1676_11 15.520000 ANS Photo File. Tell Kotchek, 1952 (Baldwin 1971), Card 2. Unnumbered. #4
504 1676 t_1676_16 tr_1676_11 16.620000 33.5 Auctiones GmbH, eAuction 35, 22 March 2015. #15
1 1676 t_1676_16 tr_1676_11 16.530000 A Tkaelc AG, 22 April 2007. #38
142 1676 t_1676_16 tr_1676_11 nan ANS Photo File, Seaby II, 15 July, 1929. #287
1380 1676 t_1676_16 tr_1676_11 16.640000 Münzen und Medaillen Deutschland GmbH, Auction 40, 4 June 2014. #153
1598 1676 t_1676_16 tr_1676_11 16.770000 Stack's, 8-10 June 1994. #2101
899 1676 t_1676_16 tr_1676_15 nan Étienne Ader, 20 November 1961. #135
401 1676 t_1676_16 tr_1676_15 nan ANS Photo File. Vinchon, 20 November 1961, Pl.7. #135
1194 1676 t_1676_16 tr_1676_15 nan Le Rider, Suse sous les Séleucides et les Parthes, 1965, Trésor 6. #615.15
492 1676 t_1676_16 tr_1676_15 16.070000 Ariadne Galleries, 15 September 1982.#49
478 1676 t_1676_16 tr_1676_15 16.660000 12 ANS. #1952.177.4
589 1676 t_1676_16 tr_1676_15 16.350000 Bibliothèque nationale de France. #btv1b10304931z
918 1676 t_1676_16 tr_1676_15 16.740000 Freeman & Sear, Mail Bid Sale 10, 11 February 2004. #121
1509 1676 t_1676_16 tr_1676_24 16.880000 2 32 Roma Numismatics Ltd, E-Sale 9, 28 June 2014. #120
1433 1676 t_1676_16 tr_1676_24 16.790000 Numismatik Lanz München, Auction 158, 5 June 2014. #248
777 1676 t_1676_16 tr_1676_32 16.850000 12 CNG, 75. #134
1428 1676 t_1676_16 tr_1676_32 16.320000 1 Numismatik Lanz München, Auction 123, 30 May 2005. #198
1322 1676 t_1676_16 tr_1676_38 16.710000 Lober, Demetrius I. #223
369 1676 t_1676_16 tr_1676_38 nan ANS Photo File. #5.1 – Leb. Mus
912 1676 t_1676_16 tr_1676_38 16.710000 Freeman & Sear, Fixed Price List 10, Spring 2005. #32
1458 1676 t_1676_16 tr_1676_38 16.270000 12 Numismatik Lanz München, Auction 58, 21 November 1991. #202
405 1676 t_1676_16 tr_1676_38 16.030000 12 ANS. #1944.100.31419
590 1676 t_1676_16 tr_1676_4 15.940000 Bibliothèque nationale de France. #btv1b10304932d
829 1676 t_1676_16 tr_1676_45 16.570000 12 CNG, Electronic Auction 257, 8 June 2011. #126
108 1676 t_1676_16 tr_46 15.900000 ANS Photo File, Munz Zentrum, Koln 44, 25 November 1981. #255
645 1676 t_1676_17 tr_1676_1 16.340000 Bourgey, 17-18 May 1984. #38
552 1676 t_1676_17 tr_1676_10 15.110000 12 32 Bertolami Fine Arts, ACR Auctions, E-Auction 32, 11 January 2016. #337
1658 1676 t_1676_17 tr_1676_17 16.230000 Wagonner, Propontis Hoard #49
1415 1676 t_1676_17 tr_1676_30 nan Numismatic Fine Arts, Auction XXXIII, May 3 1994. #1303
592 1676 t_1676_17 tr_1676_35 15.190000 Bibliothèque nationale de France. #btv1b103049349
593 1676 t_1676_17 tr_1676_37 16.130000 Bibliothèque nationale de France. #btv1b10304935r
651 1676 t_1676_18 tr_1676_45 15.790000 Bourgey, 6-8 December 1978. #37
1030 1676 t_1676_2 550908_r_147 16.810000 H.D. Rauch, Auction 53, 28-29 November 1994. #66
99 1676 t_1676_2 tr_43 nan ANS Photo File, Kress 161, 29-31 October 1974. #194
1515 1676 t_1676_20 tr_1676_23 16.800000 36 Savoca Numismatik, 2nd Blue Auction , 28 Oct. 2017 #116
1172 1676 t_1676_3 550908_r_139 nan Kurpfälzische Münzhandlung, Auction XXV, 1-3 December 1983. #87
929 1676 t_1676_3 550908_r_139 16.400000 Freeman & Sear, Mail Bid Sale 14, 21 June 2007. #142
514 1676 t_1676_3 550908_r_140 16.580000 12 34 Auge, Davesne, and Ergeç, Gaziantep 1994. #13
975 1676 t_1676_3 550908_r_140 16.690000 Gerhard Hirsch, Katalog XLII, 21-23 Juni, 1965. #1099.
1106 1676 t_1676_3 550908_r_140 16.570000 Jean Elsen & ses Fils S.A., Auction 110, 10 September 2011. #165
1607 1676 t_1676_3 550908_r_142 16.570000 Superior Galleries, Mail Bid Sale, 21 September 1990. #12
411 1676 t_1676_3 550908_r_143 15.610000 12 ANS. #1944.100.31425
1551 1676 t_1676_3 550908_r_144 15.840000 12 SNG – Greece 4, 2005. #426
319 1676 t_1676_3 t_60 nan ANS Photo File, Tell Kotchek, Poladian Record, 1952. Card 48. #G2
320 1676 t_1676_3 t_61 nan ANS Photo File, Tell Kotchek, Poladian Record, 1952. Card 48. #G3
318 1676 t_1676_3 tr_1676_10 nan ANS Photo File, Tell Kotchek, Poladian Record, 1952. Card 48. #G1
388 1676 t_1676_3 tr_1676_10 16.330000 ANS Photo File. Tell Kotchek, 1952 (Baldwin 1971), Card 2. Unnumbered. #3
497 1676 t_1676_3 tr_1676_10 15.900000 12 34.2 Ashmolean Museum, Oxford, Heberden Coin Room HCR24023
965 1676 t_1676_3 tr_1676_41 16.450000 Gerhard Hirsch, Auktion 289, 2 May, 2013. #243
691 1676 t_1676_3 tr_1676_42 16.710000 12 35.5, e-Monnaies Juin 2015, 30 June 2015, #356124
917 1676 t_1676_3 tr_1676_42 16.670000 Freeman & Sear, Mail Bid Sale 10, 11 February 2004. #120
790 1676 t_1676_3 tr_1676_42 16.570000 CNG, Auction XI, 3 May, 1990. #40
1103 1676 t_1676_3 tr_1676_42 16.590000 Jaques Schulman, N.V., 12 November 1971. #3035
481 1676 t_1676_4 550908_r_137 16.440000 12 ANS. #1952.177.7
1154 1676 t_1676_4 550908_r_88 16.270000 Josiane Vedrines, 4 November 1992. #27
538 1676 t_1676_4 tr_1676_13 16.240000 Áureo & Calicó, Auction 269, 7 July 2015. #2008
1508 1676 t_1676_4 tr_1676_25 16.560000 12 35 Roma Numismatics Ltd, E-Sale 7, 26 April 2014. #377
385 1676 t_1676_4 tr_1676_5 16.430000 ANS Photo File. Peus, 20 June 1960. #786
1382 1676 t_1676_4 tr_1676_5 16.430000 34.5 Münzhandlung Dr. Busso Peus, catalog 261, 20-21 June 1960. #786
150 1676 t_1676_4 tr_50 nan ANS Photo File, Tell Kotchek, Hecht ex Poladian, Fall 1952. Card 2, Unnumbered. #3
264 1676 t_1676_4 tr_53 nan ANS Photo File, Tell Kotchek, Poladian Record, 1952. Card 35. #J1
786 1676 t_1676_5 550908_r_125 16.580000 1 34 CNG, Auction 88, 14 September 2011. #322
543 1676 t_1676_5 550908_r_128 16.630000 Aureo, Subasta Numismatica, 30 June – 1 July 1999. #2030
643 1676 t_1676_5 550908_r_135 15.780000 Bourgey, 11-12 March 1985. #18
942 1676 t_1676_5 tr_1676_19 16.200000 Fritz Rudolf Künker Münzenhandlung, Auction 89, 8-9 March, 2004. #1353
1376 1676 t_1676_5 tr_1676_34 17.230000 Münzen und Medaillen AG, Oktober 1983. #20
761 1676 t_1676_5 tr_1676_40 16.580000 1 34 CNG 88. #322
938 1676 t_1676_5 tr_1676_40 16.710000 Fritz Rudolf Künker GmbH & Co. KG, eLive Auction 43, 7 Dec. 2016, #26
61 1676 t_1676_5 tr_35 15.900000 ANS Photo File, Dehaual Stockholm #5
88 1676 t_1676_5 tr_40 nan ANS Photo File, Harvey Hurtz Collection, Berkeley. Card 3
146 1676 t_1676_5 tr_43 nan ANS Photo File, Tell Kotchek, Hecht ex Poladian, Fall 1952. Card 1, Unnumbered. #2
147 1676 t_1676_5 tr_48 nan ANS Photo File, Tell Kotchek, Hecht ex Poladian, Fall 1952. Card 1, Unnumbered. #3
1504 1676 t_1676_6 tr_1676_20 16.580000 1 31 Roma Numismatics Ltd, E-Sale 11, 23 August 2014. #26
1570 1676 t_1676_6 tr_1676_20 15.670000 12 34.5 Staatliche Museen zu Berlin. #18245277
1323 1676 t_1676_6 tr_1676_39 16.540000 Lober, Demetrius I. #226
269 1676 t_1676_6 tr_1676_39 nan ANS Photo File, Tell Kotchek, Poladian Record, 1952. Card 36. #H4
270 1676 t_1676_6 tr_1676_39 nan ANS Photo File, Tell Kotchek, Poladian Record, 1952. Card 36. #H5
72 1676 t_1676_6 tr_1676_39 nan ANS Photo File, From Poladian, 8 November 1952. #656
920 1676 t_1676_6 tr_1676_39 16.540000 Freeman & Sear, Mail Bid Sale 11, 23 November 2004. #74
266 1676 t_1676_6 tr_39 nan ANS Photo File, Tell Kotchek, Poladian Record, 1952. Card 36. #H1
267 1676 t_1676_6 tr_55 nan ANS Photo File, Tell Kotchek, Poladian Record, 1952. Card 36. #H2
408 1676 t_1676_6 tr_55 15.790000 12 ANS. #1944.100.31422
268 1676 t_1676_6 tr_56 nan ANS Photo File, Tell Kotchek, Poladian Record, 1952. Card 36. #H3
359 1676 t_1676_6 tr_56 nan ANS Photo File. # 4.5 A.U.B.
482 1676 t_1676_6 tr_56 16.610000 12 ANS. #1952.177.8
1193 1676 t_1676_6 tr_56 nan Le Rider, Suse sous les Séleucides et les Parthes, 1965, Trésor 6. #615.14
410 1676 t_1676_8 550908_r_82 16.120000 12 ANS. #1944.100.31424
801 1676 t_1676_8 550908_r_83 16.610000 32 CNG, e-auction 179. #15
684 1676 t_1676_8 tr_1676_3 16.630000 12 British Museum. #RPK,p80E.65.AleIII
380 1676 t_1676_8 tr_1676_3 16.650000 ANS Photo File. Head's Guide British Museum. #48
1135 1676 t_1676_8 tr_1676_5 16.770000 Jean Elsen, Public auction, 69, 16 Mars 2002. #147
483 1676 t_1676_8 tr_1676_5 16.300000 12 ANS. #1952.177.9
1645 1676 t_1676_8 tr_1676_5 16.790000 34 UBS Gold & Numismatics, Auction 59, 27 January 2004. #5381
1063 1676 t_1676_8 tr_41 nan 33 Heritage Auctions, Inc., 2006 January (HWCA) New York Signature Auction, 9 January 2006. #12009 = ANS Photo File, Tell Kotchek, Poladian Record, 1952. Card 35. #I1
262 1676 t_1676_8 tr_41 nan ANS Photo File, Tell Kotchek, Poladian Record, 1952. Card 35. #I1
263 1676 t_1676_8 tr_52 nan ANS Photo File, Tell Kotchek, Poladian Record, 1952. Card 35. #I2
1142 1678 t_1676_8 550908_r_68 16.800000 Jesus Vico S.A., 27 February (No year given). #113
459 1678 t_1676_8 550908_r_68 16.250000 12 ANS. #1952.177.14
995 1678 t_1678_2 550908_r_53 16.400000 Gorny & Mosch Auktion 191, 11-12 Oktober 2010. #1297
1549 1678 t_1678_2 550908_r_54 15.880000 12 SNG – Finland The Erkki Keckman Collection Part II, 1999. #15
1653 1678 t_1678_2 550908_r_55 16.520000 Victor Gadoury, 26-27 Novembre, 1985. #25
484 1678 t_1678_2 550908_r_57 16.470000 12 ANS. #1953.4.1
64 1678 t_1678_4 550908_r_36 nan ANS Photo File, Eric Von Post's Collection, Stockholm. Lower Left
300 1678 t_1678_4 550908_r_37 nan ANS Photo File, Tell Kotchek, Poladian Record, 1952. Card 44. #B1
1152 1678 t_1678_4 550908_r_37 nan Joseph Lepczyk, 43 Public Auction & Mail Bid Sale, 20-21 November (No year given). #569
458 1678 t_1678_4 550908_r_38 16.370000 12 ANS. #1952.177.13
301 1678 t_1678_4 550908_r_40 nan ANS Photo File, Tell Kotchek, Poladian Record, 1952. Card 44. #B2
302 1678 t_1678_4 550908_r_41 nan ANS Photo File, Tell Kotchek, Poladian Record, 1952. Card 44. #B3
846 1678 t_1678_4 550908_r_42 16.850000 CNG, Mail Bid Sale 67, 22 September 2004. #424
1186 1678 t_1678_4 550908_r_52 nan Le Rider, Suse sous les Séleucides et les Parthes, 1965, Trésor 6. #614.8
416 1678 t_1678_5 550908_r_50 15.570000 12 ANS. #1944.100.31430
831 1678 t_1678_5 550908_r_58 16.440000 12 36 CNG, Electronic Auction 260, 20 July 2011. #224
1545 1678 t_1678_5 550908_r_58 15.890000 11 SNG – Deutschland, Staatliche Münzsammlung München 10./11. Heft, 2001. #494 (Acc. 22717)
867 1678 t_1678_5 550908_r_60 16.800000 Craig A. Whitford Numismatic Auctions, 28 November 1994. #60
808 1678 t_1678_5 550908_r_60 16.450000 12 32 CNG, e-auction 224. #190
1107 1678 t_1678_5 550908_r_60 16.420000 Jean Elsen & ses Fils S.A., Auction 110, 10 September 2011. #166
1164 1678 t_1678_5 550908_r_61 16.290000 37 Kunst und Münzen A.G., Asta XXVIII, 18-20 Gigugno 1992. #178
894 1678 t_1678_5 550908_r_61 16.300000 Elayi, Trésor de la Beqa, #3
1039 1678 t_1678_5 550908_r_64 nan Harlan J. Berk, LTD. 2 November (No Year Given). #10
639 1678 t_1678_5 550908_r_65 16.050000 Bonhams, sale 22662, 29-30 March, no year given. #110
1184 1678 t_1678_5 550908_r_66 nan Le Rider, Suse sous les Séleucides et les Parthes, 1965, Trésor 6. #614.6
447 1678 t_1678_5 550908_r_66 16.190000 12 ANS. #1951.35.23
698 1678 t_1678_5 550908_r_66 16.380000 12 36, MONNAIES 16, 31 December 2002. #57
1460 1678 t_1678_5 550908_r_66 15.740000 12 Numismatik Lanz München, Auction 58, 21 November 1991. #204
1005 1678 t_1678_6 550908_r_33 16.290000 Gorny & Mosch Giessener Münzhandlung, Auction 170, 13 October 2008. #1294
457 1678 t_1678_6 550908_r_34 16.640000 12 ANS. #1952.177.12
296 1678 t_1678_9 550908_r_45 nan ANS Photo File, Tell Kotchek, Poladian Record, 1952. Card 43. #C1
515 1678 t_1678_9 550908_r_45 16.580000 12 34 Auge, Davesne, and Ergeç, Gaziantep 1994. #14
297 1678 t_1678_9 550908_r_47 nan ANS Photo File, Tell Kotchek, Poladian Record, 1952. Card 43. #C2
926 1678 t_1678_9 550908_r_47 16.570000 Freeman & Sear, Mail Bid Sale 12, 28 October 2005. #77
1076 1678 t_1678_9 550908_r_47 16.260000 Heritage World Coin Auctions, New York Signature Sale, 2 January 2011. #24429
1183 1678 t_1678_9 550908_r_48 nan Le Rider, Suse sous les Séleucides et les Parthes, 1965, Trésor 6. #614.5
448 1678 t_1678_9 550908_r_48 16.150000 12 ANS. #1951.35.24
766 1678 t_1678_9 550908_r_48 16.080000 CNG Auction 36, 5-6 December 1995. #1823
41 1678 t_1678_9 550908_r_50 16.180000 ANS Photo File, Aecahn, 26 November 1930. #1233
1180 1678 t_1678_9 550908_r_57 nan Le Rider, Suse sous les Séleucides et les Parthes, 1965, Trésor 6. #614.1
438 1678 t_1678_9 550908_r_57 16.280000 12 ANS. #1947.98.154
517 1679 t_1679_1 550908_r_167 16.520000 12 33 Auge, Davesne, and Ergeç, Gaziantep 1994. #16
1207 1679 t_1679_1 550908_r_169 nan Le Rider, Suse sous les Séleucides et les Parthes, 1965, Trésor 6. #616.7
1171 1679 t_1679_1 550908_r_170 nan Kurpfälzische Münzhandlung, Auction XXIV, 17-19 May 1983. #62
1080 1679 t_1679_3 550908_r_149 nan Imperial, Bid or Buy Sale, 12 January 1993. #15
1035 1679 t_1679_3 550908_r_150 nan Hans M.F. Schulman, 20-25 November 1964. #1202
117 1679 t_1679_3 550908_r_161 16.200000 12 ANS Photo File, Museo Civico, Torino, (Fab 2531)
62 1680 t_1679_1 550908_r_159 16.580000 ANS Photo File, Dehaual Stockholm #6
1002 1680 t_1679_1 550908_r_169 16.820000 Gorny & Mosch Giessener Münzhandlung, Auction 142, 10 October 2005. #1355
426 1680 t_1679_1 550908_r_170 15.410000 12 ANS. #1944.100.31440
1208 1680 t_1679_1 550908_r_171 nan Le Rider, Suse sous les Séleucides et les Parthes, 1965, Trésor 6. #616.8
1476 1680 t_1679_1 550908_r_175 16.980000 Poinsignon Numismatique & Cabinet Numisatique, Sale 2, 16 March 1985. #170
1140 1680 t_1679_1 550908_r_176 nan Jeffery Hoare, Sale 29, 25-26 February 1994. #11
433 1680 t_1679_1 550908_r_176 16.430000 12 ANS. #1946.124.3
423 1680 t_1679_1 550908_r_177 16.590000 12 ANS. #1944.100.31437
869 1680 t_1679_1 550908_r_178 nan Craig A. Whitford, 26 April 1993. #91
422 1680 t_1679_1 550908_r_178 16.660000 12 ANS. #1944.100.31436
425 1680 t_1679_1 550908_r_180 16.430000 12 ANS. #1944.100.31439
1091 1680 t_1679_1 550908_r_180 nan Ira & Larry Goldberg Coins & Collectibles, Auction 69, 29 May 2012. #3094
699 1680 t_1679_1 550908_r_181 15.910000 12 39, MONNAIES 24, 24 June 2005. #90
1437 1680 t_1679_1 550908_r_182 16.670000 12 Numismatik Lanz München, Auction 38, 24 November 1986. #234
134 1680 t_1679_1 550908_r_183 15.880000 12 ANS Photo File, Numismatica Wien, 20-21 November, 1975. #54
441 1680 t_1679_1 550908_r_184 16.260000 12 ANS. #1948.19.910
997 1680 t_1679_3 550908_r_151 16.780000 Gorny & Mosch Auktion 196, 7-9 März 2011. #1417
1174 1680 t_1679_3 550908_r_152 nan Kurpfälzische Münzhandlung, Auction XXV, 1-3 December 1983. #89
1463 1680 t_1679_3 550908_r_153 15.830000 12 Numismatik Lanz München, Auction 58, 21 November 1991. #207
1465 1680 t_1679_3 550908_r_154 16.230000 12 Numismatik Lanz München, Auction 62, 26 November 1992. #315
1546 1680 t_1679_3 550908_r_155 15.040000 11 SNG – Deutschland, Staatliche Münzsammlung München 10./11. Heft, 2001. #495 (Acc. 22716)
468 1680 t_1679_3 550908_r_157 16.430000 12 ANS. #1952.177.22
65 1680 t_1679_3 550908_r_158 nan ANS Photo File, Eric Von Post's Collection, Stockholm. Lower Right
1129 1680 t_1679_3 550908_r_158 16.420000 Jean Elsen, Public auction, 11 & 13 Decembre 1999. #166
1206 1680 t_1679_3 550908_r_160 nan Le Rider, Suse sous les Séleucides et les Parthes, 1965, Trésor 6. #616.6
1594 1680 t_1679_3 550908_r_162 16.890000 Stack's Bowers and Ponterio, Sale 164, N.Y.I.N.C Auction, 6 January 2012. #154
1319 1680 t_1680_1 550908_r_187 16.510000 Lober, Demetrius I. #180
518 1680 t_1680_1 550908_r_187 16.620000 11 33 Auge, Davesne, and Ergeç, Gaziantep 1994. #17
424 1680 t_1680_1 550908_r_189 16.590000 12 ANS. #1944.100.31438
1536 1680 t_1680_1 550908_r_189 16.470000 Seyrig, Trésors du Levant, Trésor de Tell kotchek, 1952. #15.27
1204 1680 t_1680_2 550908_r_191 nan Le Rider, Suse sous les Séleucides et les Parthes, 1965, Trésor 6. #616.3
519 1680 t_1680_2 550908_r_191 16.800000 12 33 Auge, Davesne, and Ergeç, Gaziantep 1994. #18
817 1680 t_1680_2 550908_r_191 16.020000 12 33 CNG, e-auction 263. #101
1097 1680 t_1680_2 550908_r_191 16.530000 Ira & Larry Goldberg, Pre-long Beach Auction 69, 29-30 May 2012. #3073
870 1680 t_1680_2 550908_r_192 16.620000 Davissons Ltd., Auction 14, 15 November 2000. #136
1534 1683 t_1683_1 550908_r_193 16.750000 Seyrig, Trésors du Levant, Trésor de Tell kotchek, 1952. #15.21
962 1683 t_1683_2 550908_r_194 16.750000 Gerhard Hirsch, Auktion 198, 11-13 February, 1998. #134
446 1683 t_1683_2 550908_r_196 16.110000 12 ANS. #1951.35.22
1634 1683 t_1683_2 550908_r_196 16.910000 36 Tom Cederlind, Catalog 158, 28 March 2011. #99
421 1683 t_1683_2 550908_r_197 16.480000 12 ANS. #1944.100.31435
520 1683 t_1683_2 550908_r_200 16.810000 12 36 Auge, Davesne, and Ergeç, Gaziantep 1994. #19
779 1683 t_1683_2 550908_r_200 16.570000 12 CNG, 76. #291
676 1685 t_1685_1 550908_r_214 15.820000 12 British Museum. #1910,1104.52
1029 1686 t_1686_1 550908_r_222 16.730000 H.D. Rauch, Auction 53, 28-29 November 1994. #65
1388 1686 t_1686_2 550908_r_225 nan Nihon Coin Auction No. 7. #14
807 1686 t_1686_2 550908_r_225 16.080000 12 34 CNG, e-auction 203. #63
1100 1686 t_1686_2 550908_r_225 16.180000 Italo Vecchi, LTD., Nummorum Auctiones 15. 15 June 1999. #155
1424 1686 t_1686_2 550908_r_227 16.950000 Numismatica Ars Classica, Auction F, 17 April 1996. #1193
1425 1686 t_1686_2 550908_r_229 16.580000 Numismatica Ars Classica, Auction H, 30 April 1998. #1276
94 1686 t_1686_2 550908_r_229 16.400000 ANS Photo File, K. Kress, 3 October 1972. #328
1602 1686 t_1686_2 550908_r_229 nan Stephen M Houston Fixed Price List 54. #4
854 1686 t_1686_2 550908_r_230 17.090000 12 CNG, Triton VIII, 11-12 January 2005. #168
29 1686 t_1686_2 550908_r_230 nan ANS Photo File, #4.6-Leb.Mus.
95 1686 t_1686_2 550908_r_231 16.100000 ANS Photo File, Karl Kress, 2 April 1973
1542 1686 t_1686_2 550908_r_231 15.870000 1 SNG – Deutschland, Münzsammlung der Universität Tübingen, 2 Heft, 1982. #1100.
1557 1686 t_1686_2 550908_r_232 16.530000 12 SNG – Sweden II, Part 2, 1980. #1014
452 1686 t_1686_2 550908_r_233 16.370000 12 ANS. #1951.35.28
882 1686 t_1686_2 550908_r_233 16.550000 Dr. Busso Peus, Nachf., catalog 280, 15-17 March 1978. #263
1332 1686 t_1686_2 550908_r_233 16.540000 M. Jean Vinchon, Sale 7, 9-10 Decemeber 1993. #84
803 1686 t_1686_2 550908_r_234 16.090000 33 CNG, e-auction 179. #17
489 1686 t_1686_2 550908_r_234 16.470000 12 ANS. #1984.5.108
783 1686 t_1686_2 550908_r_234 16.630000 CNG, Auction 60, 22 May 2002. #297
12 1686 t_1686_2 550908_r_235 nan Alex G. Malloy, Auction Sale XXXI, 26 October 1990.#86
1438 1686 t_1686_2 550908_r_235 16.450000 1 Numismatik Lanz München, Auction 42, 23 November 1987. #219
1661 1686 t_1686_2 550908_r_236 15.950000 World Coins Japan, 4 May 1995. #40
1394 1686 t_1686_2 550908_r_237 16.248000 Noble Numismatics Pty. Ltd. Sale No. 64 Part A, 12-13 Juy 2000. #2238
802 1686 t_1686_2 550908_r_240 16.700000 36 CNG, e-auction 179. #16
1025 1686 t_1686_2 550908_r_240 16.887000 H. H. Kricheldorf Nachf., 24-25 September 1987. #19
50 1686 t_1686_2 550908_r_240 16.020000 ANS Photo File, Bourgey, 10 March 1976. #57
205 1686 t_1686_2 550908_r_242 nan ANS Photo File, Tell Kotchek, Poladian Record, 1952. Card 21. #A7
697 1686 t_1686_2 550908_r_243 15.890000 1 35, MONNAIES 11, 30 November 1999. #117
1133 1686 t_1686_2 550908_r_243 15.960000 Jean Elsen, Public auction, 12 Juin 1999. #877
1213 1686 t_1686_2 550908_r_245 nan Le Rider, Suse sous les Séleucides et les Parthes, 1965, Trésor 6. #617.5
33 1686 t_1686_2 550908_r_245 nan ANS Photo File, #neg.4.4-H.s.
1105 1686 t_1686_2 550908_r_246 16.600000 Jean Elsen & ses Fils S.A., Auction 109, 18 June 2011. #103
1225 1686 t_1686_2 550908_r_247 16.870000 12 Leu Numismatics Ltd, Auction Leu 59, 17 May 1994. #102
1228 1686 t_1686_2 550908_r_248 16.660000 1 Leu Numismatics Ltd, Auction Leu 86, 5-6 May 2003. #363
888 1686 t_1686_2 550908_r_248 nan Dr. Claus W. Hild, Auktion 67, 16-17 September 1994. #94
135 1686 t_1686_2 550908_r_248 16.550000 ANS Photo File, P&P Santamaria, 12-13 October, 1949. #50
1161 1686 t_1686_2 550908_r_248 16.630000 Kölner Münzkabinett Tyll Kroha, Auktion 61, 17-18 November 1994. #77
140 1686 t_1686_2 550908_r_248 16.500000 ANS Photo File, Schlesinger 13, 1935. #734
1212 1686 t_1686_2 550908_r_251 nan Le Rider, Suse sous les Séleucides et les Parthes, 1965, Trésor 6. #617.4
436 1686 t_1686_2 550908_r_251 16.170000 12 ANS. #1947.98.152
451 1686 t_1686_2 550908_r_251 16.610000 12 ANS. #1951.35.27
522 1686 t_1686_2 550908_r_251 16.520000 1 36 Auge, Davesne, and Ergeç, Gaziantep 1994. #21
636 1686 t_1686_2 550908_r_251 16.570000 3 Boehringer, Fund aus Südanatolien, 1964.#16
860 1686 t_1686_2 550908_r_251 16.330000 Coin Galleries, 19 February 1998. #90
972 1686 t_1686_2 550908_r_251 16.500000 Gerhard Hirsch, Katalog 148, Auktion, 27-29 November, 1985. #90
1004 1686 t_1686_2 550908_r_252 16.660000 Gorny & Mosch Giessener Münzhandlung, Auction 142, 10 October 2005. #1357
404 1686 t_1686_2 550908_r_252 16.460000 1 ANS. #1944.100.31418
765 1686 t_1686_2 550908_r_252 16.800000 CNG Auction 35, 20 September 1995. #108
949 1686 t_1686_2 550908_r_252 16.200000 Gerhard Hirsch, Auktion 155, 23-26 September, 1987. #68
646 1686 t_1686_2 550908_r_253 16.010000 Bourgey, 20 March 1994. #41
1214 1686 t_1686_3 550908_r_216 nan Le Rider, Suse sous les Séleucides et les Parthes, 1965, Trésor 6. #617.6
1056 1686 t_1686_3 550908_r_216 16.580000 12 Helios Numismatik Auktion 6, 9 & 10 März 2011. #44
1178 1686 t_1686_3 550908_r_217 nan Laurens Schulman b.v., Auction 23, 15-17 November 1999. #1561
465 1686 t_1686_3 550908_r_217 16.110000 12 ANS. #1952.177.2
1461 1686 t_1686_3 550908_r_217 15.620000 12 Numismatik Lanz München, Auction 58, 21 November 1991. #205
73 1686 t_1686_3 550908_r_218 nan ANS Photo File, From Poladian, 8 November 1952. #657
74 1686 t_1686_3 550908_r_218 nan ANS Photo File, From Poladian, 8 November 1952. #658
1138 1686 t_1686_3 550908_r_218 nan Jeffery Hoare / Torex, June 23-24, 1989. #289
637 1686 t_1686_3 550908_r_218 15.850000 Bonham & Sons, 9 December 1998. #365
951 1686 t_1686_3 550908_r_218 16.340000 Gerhard Hirsch, Auktion 166, 16-19 May, 1990. #182
971 1686 t_1686_3 550908_r_218 15.950000 Gerhard Hirsch, Katalog 135, Auktion, 19-21 January, 1983. #98
1435 1686 t_1686_3 550908_r_218 16.840000 12 Numismatik Lanz München, Auction 30, 26 November 1984. #164
1177 1686 t_1686_3 550908_r_219 16.730000 La Galerie Numismatique, Auction IV, 28 Novembre 2004. #108
906 1686 t_1686_3 550908_r_219 nan 38 Frank S. Robinson, Unreserved Mail Bid Sale 43, 26 January 1999. #59
1547 1686 t_1686_3 550908_r_219 16.540000 1 SNG – Deutschland, Staatliche Münzsammlung München 10./11. Heft, 2001. #496
23 1686 t_1686_3 550908_r_219 nan ANS Photo File, #34.3
865 1686 t_1686_3 550908_r_221 nan Coin Galleries, Mail Bid Sale, 20 April 1961. #91
1553 1686 t_1686_3 550908_r_222 15.360000 12 SNG – Greece 4, 2005. #428
895 1686 t_1686_3 550908_r_224 16.650000 Elayi, Trésor de la Beqa, #4
454 1686v t_1686_1 550908_r_239 16.160000 12 ANS. #1952.177.1
473 1687 t_1687_1 550908_r_194 16.530000 12 ANS. #1952.177.27
908 1687 t_1687_1 550908_r_199 16.560000 Frankfurter Münzhandlung Auktion 148, 17-19 November, 1997. #50
1042 1687 t_1687_1 550908_r_205 16.790000 Harlan J. Berk, LTD. 58Th Buy or Bid Sale, 28 June 1989. #134
1535 1687 t_1687_3 550908_r_206 16.050000 Seyrig, Trésors du Levant, Trésor de Tell kotchek, 1952. #15.25
139 1687 t_1687_3 550908_r_206 15.640000 ANS Photo File, Riechmann 30, Berlin Dupl. Dec. 1924. #454
1472 1687 t_1687_3 550908_r_207 nan Owl LTD. Buy/Build Sale 4, 1 August 1984. #19
787 1687 t_1687_3 550908_r_208 16.860000 12 37 CNG, Auction 90, 23 May 2012. #580
472 1687 t_1687_3 550908_r_209 15.850000 12 ANS. #1952.177.26
1554 1687 t_1687_3 550908_r_211 16.750000 12 SNG – Greece 4, 2005. #429
1045 1687 t_1687_3 550908_r_213 nan Harlan J. Berk, LTD. 86Th Buy or Buid Sale, 11 July 1995. #206
471 1687 t_1687_3 550908_r_213 16.590000 1 ANS. #1952.177.25
853 1687 t_1687_3 550908_r_213 16.740000 CNG, Triton I, 2-3 December 1997. #424
1163 1687 t_1687_4 550908_r_201 16.440000 Kölner Münzkabinett Tyll Kroha, Auktion 77, 5-6 November 2002. #47
1464 1687 t_1687_4 550908_r_201 15.460000 12 Numismatik Lanz München, Auction 58, 21 November 1991. #208
1007 1687 t_1687_4 550908_r_202 15.500000 Gorny & Mosch Giessener Münzhandlung, Auction 191, 11 October 2010. #1298
485 1687 t_1687_4 550908_r_203 16.500000 12 ANS. #1953.4.2
989 1687 t_1687_4 550908_r_204 16.510000 Gorny & Mosch Auktion 104, 9-10 Oktober 2000. #274
1405 1688 t_1688_1 550908_r_282 nan Numifrance, 2 June 1982. #54
470 1688 t_1688_1 550908_r_282 16.690000 12 ANS. #1952.177.24
523 1688 t_1688_2 550908_r_263 16.590000 1 35 Auge, Davesne, and Ergeç, Gaziantep 1994. #22
466 1688 t_1688_2 550908_r_267 16.090000 12 ANS. #1952.177.20
1169 1688 t_1688_2 550908_r_277 16.600000 Kurpfälzische Münzhandlung, Auction 51, 12-13 December 1996. #73
652 1688 t_1688_3 550908_r_258 16.580000 Bourgey, 1981. #30
701 1688 t_1688_3 550908_r_260 16.790000 12 34, MONNAIES 45, 14 October 2010. #121
935 1688 t_1688_3 550908_r_260 15.940000 Fritz Rudolf Künker GmbH & Co. KG, Auction 77, 30 September 2002. #164
638 1688 t_1688_3 550908_r_263 nan Bonhams, sale 22499, 14-15 September, no year given. #111
1462 1688 t_1688_3 550908_r_264 16.020000 12 Numismatik Lanz München, Auction 58, 21 November 1991. #206
460 1688 t_1688_3 550908_r_267 16.580000 1 ANS. #1952.177.15
804 1688 t_1688_3 550908_r_267 16.770000 33 CNG, e-auction 179. #18
810 1688 t_1688_3 550908_r_270 16.840000 12 34 CNG, e-auction 230. #84
884 1688 t_1688_3 550908_r_272 16.400000 Dr. Busso Peus, Nachf., catalog 288, 30 September - 2 October 1975. #247
1480 1688 t_1688_3 550908_r_272 16.650000 Rigö, Auction XII, 27 September 1969. #53
1055 1688 t_1688_3 550908_r_274 16.400000 Heinz W Müller, Auction 60, 20-21 January 1989. #38
1555 1688 t_1688_4 550908_r_255 15.790000 12 SNG – Greece 4, 2005. #430
439 1688 t_1688_4 550908_r_256 16.210000 12 ANS. #1947.98.155
1651 1688 t_1688_4 550908_r_256 16.828000 Victor Gadoury, 23 Mars 1993. #22
464 1688 t_1688_5 550908_r_279 16.360000 12 ANS. #1952.177.19
700 1688 t_1688_5 550908_r_281 15.920000 12 32, MONNAIES 34, 30 April 2008. #192
963 1688 t_1688_5 550908_r_290 16.340000 Gerhard Hirsch, Auktion 201, 24-26 September, 1998. #145
463 1688 t_1688_5 550908_r_292 16.360000 12 ANS. #1952.177.18
418 1688 t_1688_8 550908_r_293 16.670000 12 ANS. #1944.100.31432
467 1688 t_1688_8 550908_r_296 16.460000 12 ANS. #1952.177.21
419 1688 t_1688_9 550908_r_297 16.800000 12 ANS. #1944.100.31433
1001 1689 t_1688_3 550908_r_258 16.720000 Gorny & Mosch Giessener Münzhandlung, Auction 141, 10 October 2005. #107
1160 1689 t_1688_3 550908_r_258 16.390000 Kölner Münzkabinett Tyll Kroha, Auktion 43, 13-14 April 1987. #38
106 1689 t_1688_3 550908_r_259 nan ANS Photo File, Malloy IX, 9 May 1977. #86
1040 1689 t_1688_3 550908_r_259 nan Harlan J. Berk, LTD. 25 Buy or Bid Sale, 31 May 1983. #53
1410 1689 t_1688_3 550908_r_262 16.900000 Numismatic Fine Arts, Auction XVIII, 31 March 1987. #182
1052 1689 t_1688_3 550908_r_267 15.870000 Heinz W Müller, Auction 18, 23-25 September 1976. #19
1521 1689 t_1688_3 550908_r_267 nan Schulman Coin & Mint inc., 18-20 June 1971. #1548
1537 1689 t_1688_3 550908_r_270 nan Seyrig, Trésors du Levant, Trésor de Tell kotchek, 1952. #15.37 = ANS Photo File, Neg. 4.1-H.S.
654 1689 t_1688_5 550908_r_274 16.210000 Bowers and Merena, Inc., George N. Polis M.D. Collection, 10-11 June (No Year Given). #26
1320 1689 t_1688_7 550908_r_291 16.470000 Lober, Demetrius I. #197
462 1689 t_1688_8 550908_r_287 16.460000 12 ANS. #1952.177.17
969 1689 t_1688_9 550908_r_296 16.150000 Gerhard Hirsch, Katalog 120, Auktion, 10-12 April, 1980. #59
1003 1689 t_1689_1 550908_r_299 16.540000 Gorny & Mosch Giessener Münzhandlung, Auction 142, 10 October 2005. #1356
1217 1689 t_1689_3 550908_r_257 nan Le Rider, Suse sous les Séleucides et les Parthes, 1965, Trésor 6. #618.3
1613 1689 t_1689_3 550908_r_257 16.480000 Tarkis S.A., 20 December 1983. #109
1655 1689 t_1689_3 550908_r_258 16.360000 Wagonner, Propontis Hoard #44
704 1689 t_1689_3 550908_r_273 16.300000 Christie, Manson & Woods LTD., 17 July 1990 #23
1412 1690 t_1690_1 550908_r_306 16.310000 1 Numismatic Fine Arts, Auction XXXIII, May 3 1994. #128
756 1690 t_1690_1 550908_r_311 16.230000 Claude Burgan Numismatique, Sale 37, 30 September 1994. #373
1147 1690 t_1690_1 550908_r_311 16.070000 Joel L. Malter & Co. Inc., 7 November 1993. #97
1559 1690 t_1690_1 550908_r_311 15.950000 12 SNG – The Royal Collection of Coins and Medals, Danish National Museum, 1943. #743
967 1690 t_1690_1 550908_r_316 nan Gerhard Hirsch, Auktion, November 22-24, 1971. #57
1026 1690 t_1690_1 550908_r_316 16.100000 H.D. Rauch, 5-7 November 1970. #30
1108 1690 t_1690_1 550908_r_316 16.380000 Jean Elsen & ses Fils S.A., Auction 110, 10 September 2011. #167
1113 1690 t_1690_1 550908_r_317 15.930000 Jean Elsen & ses Fils S.A., Auction 93, 15 September 2007. #232
1024 1690 t_1690_1 550908_r_317 16.440000 12 34 Greek and Roman Coins, The Yapi Kredi Collection, 1994. #12. Inv. 19238
979 1690 t_1690_1 550908_r_318 16.120000 Giessener Münzhandlung, Auktion 79, 14 Oktober 1996. #133
1618 1690 t_1690_1 550908_r_319 nan The Numismatic Review and Coin Galleries Fixed Price List, Vol. V Number 3, 1964. #C54.
1457 1690 t_1690_1 550908_r_319 15.990000 12 Numismatik Lanz München, Auction 58, 21 November 1991. #201
1628 1690 t_1690_1 550908_r_319 16.560000 34 Tom Cederlind, Catalog 135, 14 July 2005. #64
799 1690 t_1690_1 550908_r_319 16.650000 31 CNG, e-auction 177. #27
883 1690 t_1690_1 550908_r_319 15.910000 Dr. Busso Peus, Nachf., catalog 280, 30 October 1972. #168
858 1690 t_1690_1 550908_r_319 16.610000 Coin Galleries, 12 April 1995. #59
1531 1690 t_1690_1 550908_r_319 16.430000 Seyrig, Trésors du Levant, Trésor de Tell kotchek, 1952. #15.154
1224 1690 t_1690_1 550908_r_320 nan Le Rider, Suse sous les Séleucides et les Parthes, 1965, Trésor 6. #620.6
491 1690 t_1690_1 550908_r_320 16.680000 12 Argenor Numismatique S.A., Auction 5, 29 April 2002. #43
1393 1690 t_1690_1 550908_r_321 16.634000 Noble Numismatics Pty. Ltd. Sale No. 63, 29-31 March 2000. #3484
885 1690 t_1690_1 550908_r_322 16.250000 Dr. Busso Peus, Nachf., catalog 291, 30 March - 1 April 1977. #253
1031 1690 t_1690_1 550908_r_323 16.900000 H.D. Rauch, Auction 53, 28-29 November 1994. #67
769 1690 t_1690_1 550908_r_323 16.650000 CNG Auction XXX, 11 June 1994. #58
1563 1690 t_1690_1 550908_r_324 16.690000 Spink-Taisei, Tokyo Coin Auction 5, 3 July 1988. #432
898 1690 t_1690_1 550908_r_325 nan Étienne Ader, 20 November 1961. #134
770 1690 t_1690_1 550908_r_326 16.800000 CNG Auction XXX, 11 June 1994. #59
954 1690 t_1690_1 550908_r_329 16.410000 Gerhard Hirsch, Auktion 169, 20-22 February, 1991. #265
876 1690 t_1690_1 550908_r_332 nan Downie-Lepczyk Auctions, Ltd., Auction 65, 31 January - 1 Febuary 1986. #971
430 1690 t_1690_1 550908_r_333 16.370000 12 ANS. #1944.100.31444
509 1690 t_1690_1 550908_r_336 16.720000 Auctiones S.A., 7-8 June 1977. #133
978 1690 t_1690_1 550908_r_336 16.680000 Giessener Münzhandlung, Auktion 48, 2 April 1990. #242
1440 1690 t_1690_1 550908_r_336 15.990000 12 Numismatik Lanz München, Auction 46, 28 November 1988. #262
1367 1690 t_1690_1 550908_r_337 16.630000 Münzen und Medaillen AG, April 1975. #17
429 1690 t_1690_1 550908_r_337 14.100000 12 ANS. #1944.100.31443
526 1690 t_1690_1 550908_r_337 16.520000 12 35 Auge, Davesne, and Ergeç, Gaziantep 1994. #25
968 1690 t_1690_1 550908_r_337 16.180000 Gerhard Hirsch, Katalog 118, Auktion, 20-22 November, 1979. #541
1366 1690 t_1690_1 550908_r_338 16.710000 Münzen und Medaillen A.G., Auction 88, 17 May 1999. #141
1396 1690 t_1690_1 550908_r_338 16.538000 Noble Numismatics Pty. Ltd. Sale No. 70, 9-11 July 2002. #3134
1629 1690 t_1690_1 550908_r_339 16.240000 32 Tom Cederlind, Catalog 138, 23 March 2006. #80
872 1690 t_1690_1 550908_r_339 16.020000 12 Dix Noonan Webb Ltd., 28 Sep 2010 Auction, Sale A9, 28 September 2010. #477
442 1690 t_1690_1 550908_r_340 16.220000 12 ANS. #1949.67.1
527 1690 t_1690_1 550908_r_341 17.030000 1 35 Auge, Davesne, and Ergeç, Gaziantep 1994. #26
792 1690 t_1690_1 550908_r_341 16.450000 33 CNG, e-auction 115. #16
2 1690 t_1690_1 tr_1690_1 nan A. Poinsignon Numismatique, Liste à prix fixes no. 41, Juin 1996. #623
223 1690 t_1690_1 tr_1690_10 nan ANS Photo File, Tell Kotchek, Poladian Record, 1952. Card 25. #A5
226 1690 t_1690_1 tr_1690_11 nan ANS Photo File, Tell Kotchek, Poladian Record, 1952. Card 26. #A8
934 1690 t_1690_1 tr_1690_11 16.530000 Fritz Rudolf Künker GmbH & Co. KG, Auction 248, 14 March 2014. #7238
233 1690 t_1690_1 tr_1690_19 nan ANS Photo File, Tell Kotchek, Poladian Record, 1952. Card 28. #C1
500 1690 t_1690_1 tr_1690_2 16.240000 12 36.1 Ashmolean Museum, Oxford, Heberden Coin Room HCR24026
36 1690 t_1690_1 tr_1690_2 nan ANS Photo File, 150.13
623 1690 t_1690_1 tr_1690_2 16.120000 Bibliothèque nationale de France. #btv1b103049650
625 1690 t_1690_1 tr_1690_27 16.450000 Bibliothèque nationale de France. #btv1b10304967w
38 1690 t_1690_1 tr_1690_3 nan ANS Photo File, 34.5
58 1690 t_1690_1 tr_1690_3 nan ANS Photo File, Coin Galleries, FPL V.3, 1964. #C54
740 1690 t_1690_1 tr_1690_3 16.650000 12 32 Classical Numismatic Group, Inc., Electronic Auction 406, 27 Sept. 2017 #368
626 1690 t_1690_1 tr_1690_30 15.390000 Bibliothèque nationale de France. #btv1b10304968b
42 1690 t_1690_1 tr_1690_4 nan ANS Photo File, Ancient Arts, No. 2, May- July 1969. #17
181 1690 t_1690_1 tr_1690_4 nan ANS Photo File, Tell Kotchek, Hecht ex Poladian, Fall 1952. Card 9, Unnumbered. #2
224 1690 t_1690_1 tr_1690_4 nan ANS Photo File, Tell Kotchek, Poladian Record, 1952. Card 25. #A6
55 1690 t_1690_1 tr_1690_5 nan ANS Photo File, Coin Galleries, 19 April 1962. #905
180 1690 t_1690_1 tr_1690_5 nan ANS Photo File, Tell Kotchek, Hecht ex Poladian, Fall 1952. Card 9, Unnumbered. #1
116 1690 t_1690_1 tr_1690_6 16.630000 ANS Photo File, Münz. & Med., FPL. 366, 1975. #17
277 1690 t_1690_1 tr_1690_7 nan ANS Photo File, Tell Kotchek, Poladian Record, 1952. Card 39. #A2
138 1690 t_1690_1 tr_1690_7 nan ANS Photo File, Rauch 5, 6-7 November , 1970. #30
624 1690 t_1690_1 tr_1690_7 16.750000 Bibliothèque nationale de France. #btv1b10304966f
220 1690 t_1690_1 tr_1690_7 nan ANS Photo File, Tell Kotchek, Poladian Record, 1952. Card 25. #A2
222 1690 t_1690_1 tr_1690_7 nan ANS Photo File, Tell Kotchek, Poladian Record, 1952. Card 25. #A4
508 1690 t_1690_1 tr_1690_7 16.260000 Auctiones S.A., 23-24 June 1983. #165
693 1690 t_1690_1 tr_1690_7 16.950000 12 30.5, e-Monnaies Septembre 2015, 29 Sept. 2015, #364763
219 1690 t_1690_1 tr_1690_8 nan ANS Photo File, Tell Kotchek, Poladian Record, 1952. Card 25. #A1
276 1690 t_1690_1 tr_1690_8 nan ANS Photo File, Tell Kotchek, Poladian Record, 1952. Card 39. #A1
221 1690 t_1690_1 tr_1690_9 nan ANS Photo File, Tell Kotchek, Poladian Record, 1952. Card 25. #A3
278 1690 t_1690_1 tr_1690_9 nan ANS Photo File, Tell Kotchek, Poladian Record, 1952. Card 39. #A3
688 1690 t_1690_2 550908_r_300 nan Cayón Subastas, Auction May 2005, 9 May 2005. #4129
428 1690 t_1690_2 550908_r_301 15.550000 12 ANS. #1944.100.31442
119 1690 t_1690_2 550908_r_302 nan ANS Photo File, Myers-Adams No. 3, 12-13 October 1972. #68
1222 1690 t_1690_2 550908_r_303 nan Le Rider, Suse sous les Séleucides et les Parthes, 1965, Trésor 6. #620.4
1223 1690 t_1690_2 550908_r_306 nan Le Rider, Suse sous les Séleucides et les Parthes, 1965, Trésor 6. #620.5
1219 1690 t_1690_2 550908_r_308 nan Le Rider, Suse sous les Séleucides et les Parthes, 1965, Trésor 6. #620.1
477 1690 t_1690_2 550908_r_309 16.220000 12 ANS. #1952.177.30
1528 1690 t_1690_2 550908_r_309 16.740000 Seyrig, Trésors du Levant, Trésor de Teffaha, 1954. #21.27
1609 1690 t_1690_2 550908_r_310 nan Superior Galleries, Mail Bid Sale, 7, 8, 11-16 December 1972. #102
475 1690 t_1690_2 550908_r_310 16.260000 12 ANS. #1952.177.29
800 1690 t_1690_2 550908_r_310 16.410000 31 CNG, e-auction 177. #28
806 1690 t_1690_2 550908_r_310 16.400000 33 CNG, e-auction 192. #20
1033 1690 t_1690_2 550908_r_311 16.630000 H.G. Oldenburg, 27 January 1995. #32
886 1690 t_1690_2 550908_r_312 16.480000 Dr. Busso Peus, Nachf., catalog 313, 13-15 May 1985. #94
63 1690 t_1690_2 550908_r_313 nan ANS Photo File, Dupriez 90, 12 December, 1906. #32
1526 1690 t_1690_2 550908_r_313 nan Seyrig, Trésors du Levant, Trésor de la Syrie du Nord, dit “de Caiffa”, 1905. #20.35
524 1690 t_1690_2 550908_r_313 16.700000 1 34 Auge, Davesne, and Ergeç, Gaziantep 1994. #23
974 1690 t_1690_2 550908_r_313 15.830000 Gerhard Hirsch, Katalog 95, Auktion, 5-6 December, 1975. #22
1417 1690 t_1690_2 550908_r_313 16.670000 Numismatic Fine Arts, Fall Mail Bid Sale, 18 October 1990. #186
976 1690 t_1690_2 550908_r_315 16.570000 Giessener Münzhandlung, Auktion 40, 7 April 1988. #129
525 1690 t_1690_2 550908_r_315 16.740000 1 34 Auge, Davesne, and Ergeç, Gaziantep 1994. #24
952 1690 t_1690_2 550908_r_315 16.650000 Gerhard Hirsch, Auktion 167, 26-29 September, 1990. #284
1436 1690 t_1690_2 550908_r_315 16.770000 12 Numismatik Lanz München, Auction 32, 29 April 1985. #167
629 1690 t_1690_2 tr_1690_10 15.720000 Bibliothèque nationale de France. #btv1b10304971m
685 1690 t_1690_2 tr_1690_11 16.660000 Bruun Rasmussen, Auction 856, 12 May 2015. #5012
675 1690 t_1690_2 tr_1690_16 15.480000 12 British Museum. #1910,1104.45
714 1690 t_1690_2 tr_1690_18 16.690000 1 33.5 Classical Numismatic Group, Inc., Auction 102, 18 May 2016, #410
627 1690 t_1690_2 tr_1690_19 16.480000 Bibliothèque nationale de France. #btv1b10304969s
46 1690 t_1690_2 tr_1690_26 nan ANS Photo File, B. Peus, No 19, January 1971. #25
35 1690 t_1690_2 tr_1690_29 nan ANS Photo File, 150.12
75 1690 t_1690_2 tr_1690_30 nan ANS Photo File, From Poladian, 8 November 1952. #660
495 1690 t_1690_2 tr_1690_30 nan Artemis Antiquities, Fixed Price List no. 2-86, No Date. #12
82 1690 t_1690_2 tr_1690_30 15.830000 ANS Photo File, G. Hirsch, 5-6 December 1975. #22
737 1690 t_1690_2 tr_1690_31 16.230000 12 33 Classical Numismatic Group, Inc., Electronic Auction 388, 14. Dec. 2016 #114
634 1690 t_1690_2 tr_1690_31 15.770000 Bibliothèque nationale de France. #btv1b8501503k
136 1690 t_1690_3 550908_r_301 nan ANS Photo File, Parke-Bern E.T.N. Collection, 16-17 October 1968. #67
1176 1690 t_1690_3 550908_r_301 nan Kurpfälzische Münzhandlung, Auction XXXI, 18-19 December 1986. #94
89 1690 t_1690_3 550908_r_302 nan ANS Photo File, Hesperia Art, F.P.L., XXIII, No Date. #13
687 1690 t_1690_3 550908_r_302 nan Cayón Subastas, Auction May 2005, 9 May 2005. #4128
1365 1690 t_1690_3 550908_r_303 16.640000 Münzen & Medaillen GmbH, Auction 27, 28 May 2008. #2039
1407 1690 t_1690_3 550908_r_305 nan Numismatic Fine Arts, 14 December 1989. #125
946 1690 t_1690_3 550908_r_305 16.670000 Gemini, Auction V, 6 January 2009. #65
529 1690 t_1690_3 550908_r_306 16.400000 12 33 Auge, Davesne, and Ergeç, Gaziantep 1994. #28
628 1690 t_1690_3 tr_1690_12 16.580000 Bibliothèque nationale de France. #btv1b103049705
631 1690 t_1690_3 tr_1690_3 16.420000 Bibliothèque nationale de France. #btv1b10304973h
875 1690 t_1690_5 550908_r_348 nan Downie-Lepczyk Auctions, Ltd., Auction 63, 16 October 1985. #94
690 1690 t_1690_5 tr_1690_17 16.400000 12 35, e-Monnaies Décembre 2016, 13 Dec. 2016 #409693
904 1690 t_1690_5 tr_1690_20 16.680000 Frank L. Kovacs, Mail Bid Sale XII, 30 November 1995. #85
1516 1690 t_1690_5 tr_1690_21 16.360000 34 Savoca Numismatik, Live Online Auction 1, 19. Apr. 2015, #94 (picture with #93)
1591 1690 t_1690_5 tr_1690_21 16.460000 12 34 Staatliche Museen zu Berlin. #18245323
371 1690 t_1690_5 tr_1690_21 16.270000 ANS Photo File. Batto Sale, Lugana, April 4,1 (Year not given). #628
707 1690 t_1690_5 tr_1690_22 nan Christie's, 9 December 1991. #121
431 1690 t_1690_5 tr_1690_23 16.530000 12 ANS. #1944.100.31445
474 1690 t_1690_5 tr_1690_23 16.290000 12 ANS. #1952.177.28
754 1690 t_1690_5 tr_1690_23 16.340000 Claude Burgan Numismatique, 24 May 1986. #346
528 1690 t_1690_5 tr_1690_24 16.610000 2 35 Auge, Davesne, and Ergeç, Gaziantep 1994. #27
669 1690 t_1690_5 tr_1690_24 16.140000 12 British Museum. #1840,0217.65
784 1690 t_1690_5 tr_1690_24 16.470000 CNG, Auction 66, 19 May 2004. #216
1227 1690 t_1690_5 tr_1690_26 16.630000 1 Leu Numismatics Ltd, Auction Leu 83, 6-7 May 2002. #196
54 1690 t_1690_5 tr_1690_26 nan ANS Photo File, Cahn 60, #2218
1335 1690 t_1690_5 tr_1690_26 nan Marcus Höllersberger Lagerliste Sommer 1987. #21
759 1690 t_1690_5 tr_1690_26 16.610000 1 CNG 78. #377
760 1690 t_1690_5 tr_1690_26 16.610000 1 33 CNG 84. #246
772 1690 t_1690_5 tr_1690_26 16.610000 CNG Mail Bid XXXI, 5-6 December 1995. #127
785 1690 t_1690_5 tr_1690_26 16.610000 1 33 CNG, Auction 84, 5 May 2010. #246
856 1690 t_1690_5 tr_1690_26 16.620000 1 33.5 CNG, Triton XVIII, 6 January 2015. #587
857 1690 t_1690_5 tr_1690_26 16.620000 1 33.5 CNG, Triton XVIII. #587
852 1690 t_1690_5 tr_1690_26 16.610000 1 CNG, Mail Bid Sale 78, 14 May 2008. #377
871 1690 t_1690_8 tr_1690_20 16.680000 34 Davissons, Ltd., Auction 31, 28 November 2012. #98
1620 1690 t_1690_8 tr_1690_21 nan The Numismatic Review and Coin Galleries Fixed Price List, Vol. XIII Number 1, 1972. #A16
653 1690 t_1690_8 tr_1690_21 16.140000 Bowers and Merena, Inc., George N. Polis M.D. Collection, 10-11 June (No Year Given). #25
739 1690 t_1690_8 tr_1690_21 16.120000 12 33 Classical Numismatic Group, Inc., Electronic Auction 397, 17 May 2017, #144
1384 1690 t_1690_8 tr_1690_21 16.300000 12 36.5 Museum of Fine Arts, Boston. #67.746
1492 1690 t_1690_8 tr_1690_21 16.500000 11 34 Roma Numismatics Limited, E-SALE 33, 4 Feb 2017 #144
1601 1690 t_1690_8 tr_1690_22 16.150000 Stack's, The Golden Horn Collection, 12 January 2009.
1556 1690 t_1690_8 tr_1690_23 15.790000 12 SNG – Greece 4, 2005. #431
143 1690 t_1690_8 tr_1690_24 nan ANS Photo File, Stack's, 19-20 November 1970. #420
774 1690 t_1690_8 tr_1690_24 16.470000 CNG, 66. #216

Coin Types, numbers, and average weights

dftypeinfo = pd.DataFrame()
dftypeinfo = typeinfochart(mint["temnos"])
number_of_coins number_of_obverse_dies average_weight
Loading... (need help?)


Coins in the study have published weights varying from 11 to 17.09 grams, with an average weight of 16.34 grams. The coin weighing 11 grams is significantly lower than any other examples and could be a mistake, as its weight is derived from a handwritten and unsourced note in an ANS Photo file. There appears to be a small but noticeable downward drift in the weight from the initial production run of the 1665 type at 16.67 grams to the final average weight of 1690 at 16.36 grams. During the intensive production runs of 1676, 1678, 1688, 1689, and 1690 the average weight remained within .2 grams.

typemeandf = coinCatdf.groupby(['type'])['weight'].mean().copy()
makeweightgraph(typemeandf, 22, "Average Coin Weights", "Type", "Weight (g)", 12, .2)


Temnian coins are well represented in hoard evidence, which assists with dating and establishing circulation patterns of the coinage. Specimens are often found distributed within Seleucid territory alongside issues from Alabanda, Aspendus, Assos, Chios, Cyme, Miletus, Myrina, Mytilene, Perge, and Phaselis, despite the chronological and geographical difference between the production of the various mints. For further information on hoard composition and dating, see the relevant references. Details of the composition of many of the hoards listed below are refined and expanded from initial publications as a result of this study.

#you can modify the date ranges and the mint to get different hoards; these are all of the hoards that have temnian Alexanders
start_date = -200
end_date = -140
buffer = 2

dfHoard = pd.DataFrame()
dfHoard = hoardsDisplay (mint["temnos"], start_date, end_date, buffer){'location_uri': make_clickableBase})
Table 2: Hoards with Temnian Coins
id title count denomination type burial_start burial_end contents discovered_at location_uri
ch10,308 Gaziantep Environs, Turkey 86 -143 -143 1916 AR 1994
ch10,310 Kirikhan, Turkey 2 Price 1690 -143 -142 5000 AR 1972
igch1432 Asia Minor, southern 1 tetradrachm -150 -150 22 AR 1964
igch1559 Akkar, c. 45 km. SW of Homs (anc. Emesa), Seleucis 37 tetradrachm -150 -150 69 AR 1956
ch10,301 Unknown Findspot (“Demetrius I” hoard) 92 tetr -151 -150 529 AR, 3 AU 2002
igch1774 Babylon, Babylonia 7 tetradrachm -155 -150 100 AR tetradr. From excavations 1900
ch7,99 Asia Minor 2 tetr -160 -160 1947/8
ch1,77 Syria 14 -170 -160 . 142 + AR before 1960
ch10,295 Beqa' Valley, Lebanon 3 Price 1676, 1686 -170 -160 c. 40 AR 1995
igch1547 Khan Cheikhoun, c. 25 km. E of anc. Apameia, Seleucis 2 tetradrachm -170 -160 103 AR 1940
igch1773 Tell Kotchek, frontier station between Syria and Iraq, c. 80 km. SW of anc. Nisibis, Mesopotamia 197 tetradrachm -170 -155 604+ AR 1952
ch7,93 Propontis, Turkey 11 tetr -180 -170 162+ AR 1950
igch1772 Urfa (anc. Edessa), Mesopotamia 2 tetradrachm -185 -160 c. 200 AR 1924
ch10,292 Unknown findspot 1 tetr -187 -186 800 AR 2000
igch1541 Baiyada, near Safita (Pereia of Aradus), N. Phoenicia 1 tetradrachm -188 -188 11+ AR 1949
igch1410 Mektepini, near Sabuncupinar (between anc. Dorylaeum and Cotiaeum), Phrygia 2 tetradrachm -190 -190 752+ AR 1956
igch1701 Delta 1 tetradrachm -200 -180 24 AR 1927

Hoard Map

MinimumMarkerSize = 8
MaximumMarkerSize = 40
m = createmapvis()
mintHoardMapper(dfHoard, "count", (mint["temnos"]), MinimumMarkerSize, MaximumMarkerSize, m)
Make this Notebook Trusted to load map: File -> Trust Notebook

Other than a small hoard buried in Temnos itself, there is no evidence that Temnian Alexanders circulated broadly within the Attalid kingdom or western Asia Minor generally, although this could be attributed to the vagaries of fate and the survival of relevant evidence. The only other evidence for Temnian issues outside Asia is the Propontis hoard which featured eleven Temnian coins. However, other than the 1665 type, the Temnian coins found in this deposit are almost certainly modern intrusions, given existing evidence from other datable hoards (see Waggoner (1979), p. 21–22 for a full discussion). The vast majority of Temnian coins, including the large deposits of Tell Kotchek with 197 Temnian coins, the Demitrius I hoard with 92 Temnian coins (possibly deposited in Syria (C. Lorber (2010), p. 153)), Gaziantep with 86 Temnian coins, and the Susa hoard with 50 Temnian coins were found in Seleucid territories.


The dating of Temnian issues, based largely on hoard evidence, presents some difficulties. Recent scholarship has shown Price’s dating to be largely inadequate. Lorber cites Ma’aret en-Numan, Gazinatep, Akkar, Caiffa, Teffaha, Susa, ’Ain Tab, Baiyada, Propontis, Tell Kotchek, Khan Cheikoun, Metcalf’s East Anatolian hoard and the “Demetrius I” hoard to support shifting the dating of 1679, 1683, 1686, 1687 and 1689 to before 162. She also assigns 1677, 1680, and 1681 to 162-151/0 and places 1676 with 1678 to shortly before 151/0 (C. Lorber (2010), p. 154–155).

Omitted from this discussion is the Bequa’ valley hoard, which does not factor into Lorber’s dating of Temnian issues. This deposit, assigned to the first third of the second century (after 187/6) by Elayi, contains three coins from Temnos, specifically types 1676, 1678, and 1686. The dating of this hoard is based in part on Seyrig’s assignment of Tell Kotchek to 160, the lack of datable countermarks on the Temnian and Mytilenian coins, and the presence of countermarks on the coins of Phaselis and Side (Elayi (1999), p. 137). If Elayi’s dating is correct then 1676 and 1678 would have to moved back to before the proposed burial of the hoard to before 187/6.

However, the dating of Tell Kotchek, East Anatolia, ‘Ain Tab, and Khan Cheickoun have all been revised downwards based on parallels with other firmly dated hoards, with Tell Kotchek and East Anatolia now placed after c. 150 / c. 142 C. Lorber (2010), p. 154-155. Due to the parallels in countermarks and composition with the Tell Kotchek and the East Anatolia hoards, the date of Bequa’ should be lowered to after c. 150 / c. 142. This also eliminates any difficulties in accepting the dates proposed by Lorber and accepted by Meadows and Houghton for the dating of types 1676, 1678, and 1686. These new proposed dates can be refined even further by examining die linkages.

The Die Study

Although there is a paucity of evidence for some die types and sometimes spotty representation of certain issues within hoard evidence, it is nevertheless possible to begin a die study on Temnian coins. Reverse monograms are unique to an individual coin type and there is no example of a recut reverse die, allowing for consistent type identification (with a few exceptions noted below). The linkages show several distinct production periods containing issues that exist without any connections to the rest of the Temnian series, revealing that Temnian minting activity was fairly irregular and largely done in distinct groupings.

Types and Numbers

dfObvinfo = pd.DataFrame()
dfObvinfo = obvinfochart(mint["temnos"])
number_of_coins number_of_reverse_dies average_weight price_types
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Very few Temnain coins have countermarks. There are three different countermarks present on Temnain coins, on 1680, 1676, 1690, and one that is 1688/1689.

The countermark on 1680, featuring a head of Zeus, has no parallels in other Greek coinage. Its presence in the Demetrius I hoard requires that the coutnermark be produced before 151-150, which provides no difficulties with the minting of 1680.

There are two examples of the Priene countermark, ΠΡΙΗ above a Δ , one on 1676 and one on 1688/89. These were published by Regling, who was working under the assumption that Temnian coins dated to c. 190 BCE. Due to the dating of 1688/1689 to before 162, the date of the countermark should be after 162.The lack of a Prinian countermark on 1690 can be explained by the later date of the issue.

The head of Tyche, present on Price 1690, presents a different problem. Metcalf presents Price’s dating od Kyme coins with the same countermarks, who places them to after c. 155 BCE but still within the 150s. However, the presence of the countermark on Price 1690 requires a reassessment of the dating. 1690 was not present in the Demetrius I hoard of c.151-150 but was certainly minted before Tell Kotchek, which was deposited sometime after 150 and no later than 142. The countermark must then originate from within this period, placing it at the earliest 150, but more likely in the 140s.

Hoards as Networks

By embracing linked data and digital techniques, die studies like those presented here can serve not only to illuminate questions on a local or regional scale, but can serve as a window into a much larger phenomenon of social, political, and economic networks in the ancient world. By continuing with the numismatics as networks approach, mints and hoards can be viewed as nodes in a much larger network that spanned the Mediterranean region. Through the use of LOD resources, geospatial analysis, and SNA software, hoards can be used to identify communities of mints, their geographic context, and what impact the political upheaval of the Hellenistic period had on the regional economic networks of Anatolia and the Eastern Mediterranean.


In order to study coin hoards as a network which can be studied and visualized it was necessary to create new tools, data structures, and resources. Coin hoards and mints had to be identified, disambiguated, and given a spatial context. The first step in this process was to identify, quantify, and digitize existing hoard data. The American Numismatic Society already has an excellent digital resource, CoinHoards ( which is based on the print publication Inventory of Greek Coin Hoards (IGCH). This website is designed to be a component of the larger ancient world LOD community, and offers an excellent API which can be used to query the data. However, the underlying database did not have a method to directly tie each mint and its quantity of coinage to each hoard, which necessitated working directly with the ANS to transform the data into a format that was compatible with the network analysis.

Outside of CoinHoards and the IGCH, the multi-volume Coin Hoards series offers a wealth of hoard information, although in a print format. Digitizing this information required painstaking scanning, OCR software, and meticulous checking and review by hand. The result of this work was that information on over 2,000 additional hoards was added to the data from the IGCH, with a total of 4,976 entries in the hoards database. Some of these entries described the same hoard; these were identified, with the cross-references entered into another database table. An additional table holds the information on the coins found in each hoard; these are sorted by mint, where possible quantified by denomination, material, and type; this table has 25,063 entries. None of these tables should be viewed as definitive; indeed the expectation is that more hoards will be added to the list as they are discovered, identified in commerce, or published in academic literature. This is a “living” resource that can be added to as needed, and as the files are hosted on GitHub they can be edited or expanded with built-in editorial oversight.

After the data was gathered and cleaned, the next step was to associate mints and hoards with spatial data. Pleiades and the ANS have location data for most named mints, so it was a relatively straightforward process to associate the database tables with spatial data. The hoards presented a much larger problem, as many of the places mentioned in the literature have undergone a name change, been absorbed by neighboring communities, abandoned, or otherwise proved impossible to securely locate. In these cases the hoard was assigned to the center point of the next larger containing political unit, such as a county, state, or region. The Recogito tool created by the Pelagios project proved to be an indispensable part of this project, and made it feasible to complete the spatial matching in the allotted timeframe for the project. When this process was completed, .csv versions of the files were sent to the ANS for incorporation into future versions of CoinHoards.

At this point, the cleaned sheets were placed into a PostgreSQL database with the PostGIS and PgRouting extensions, which allow for spatial querying of the underlying data. Networks were constructed by treating the mints and hoards as nodes, with the number of coins of each mint in an individual hoard as the “weight” of a connecting edge. The number of coins was chosen to represent the strength of the connection as many of the entries and publications were unclear as to the denomination and actual physical weight of the coins found in each hoard, and some entries only had vague terminology (like “many”, “few”, and “lots”) to quantify the number of coins from each mint. As data improves, the strength of the connection between a mint and a hoard could be expressed in terms of silver or some kind of value, but for now this investigation is focusing on the raw quantity of coinage. This allowed for the construction of “ego” networks which highlight the number of other mints and hoards associated with any given mint. This process, and the results of the study, is explained below.

Hoards in context

This analysis begins by mapping all mints whose coinage was found alongside Temnos. This is a type of co-location network which assumes that there is some type of meaningful connection represented in hoards. Although the precise nature of this connection and what it exactly signifies may never be known fully, and abundant caution should be used when using hoard evidence to discuss circulation patterns, viewing Aeolian coinage within the context of hoard networks can help to elucidate larger economic and historic trends in the Eastern Mediterranean.

Our first list shows all of the mints and counts from our database that occur with Temnos.

#you can modify the date ranges and the mint to get different hoards
start_date = -200
end_date = -140
buffer = 2

dfEgoHoard = pd.DataFrame()
dfEgoHoard = hoardsEgoDisplay (mint["temnos"], start_date, end_date, buffer)
hoard_id hoard_title mint_title mint_uri count location_uri
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This serves as the basis for a network. Of particular interest to this investigation is the composition of communities, or groupings of nodes which have more intense connections to each other than the rest of the graph. This is a quantifiable method for identifying related nodes, in this case mints which may have deep economic and political ties. Like our coin networks above, the results can easily be visualized. In this case, the nodes are sized according to the number of connections, and are colored according to the detected community (with members of the same community sharing a common color).

dfEgoHoardEdge = dfEgoHoard.groupby(['mint_uri', 'hoard_id',]).sum().reset_index()
coinHoardGraph = nx.from_pandas_edgelist(dfEgoHoardEdge, 'mint_uri', 'hoard_id','count')
coinHoardGraphDict = dict(
partition = community.best_partition(coinHoardGraph)
modularity = community.modularity(partition, coinHoardGraph)

colors = [partition[n] for n in coinHoardGraph.nodes()]
my_colors = # you can select other color pallettes here:
dataframeResults = {}
dataframeResults = createMapDfs(dfEgoHoard, partition, coinHoardGraph, my_colors)

displayCoinEgoHoardGraph (coinHoardGraph, coinHoardGraphDict, 30, 5, 4, .5, 8, 16, dataframeResults['mapDf'], 12)

We can see at a glance the “structure” of the network, or how the more densely packed group in the middle compares to other communities which feature few connections. Unsurprisingly, as Temnos is the “ego”, or conceptual center of the graph, its associated community has a tighter structure with more shared links than the rest of the mints. We can pull out whatever community we want from the graph for further analysis; in this case, we will look at the community surrounding Temnos.

mintUri = '' + mint["temnos"]
#dataframeResults['mapDf'].dataframeResults['mapDf'][dataframeResults['mapDf']['mint_uri'] == mintUri, 'partition'].iloc[0]
df = dataframeResults['mapDf'].copy()
temnoshoardsdf = dataframeResults['hoardsDf'].copy()

partition = df.loc[df['mint_uri'] == mintUri, 'partition'].iloc[0]

df[df['partition'] == partition]
mint_uri partition color degree title lat lon
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From this simple analysis, we can see that Temnos has a strong association with Aspendos, Phaselis, Perge, Alabanda, Myrina, and Kyme. The visual evidence of similar die styles suggests that Temnos, Kyme, and Myrina were at the very least using the same engravers during their coin production; their strong association with Temnos in the network suggests that there may be some stronger economic and political connections as well. Indeed these were all communities that may have been “free and autonomous” allies with the Attalid kingdom, but were most likely under some form of political control.

Hoard networks are inherintly spatial, as the minting and hoarding activity had to occur somewhere. As most of the hoards and mints have spatial data, it is a simple matter to transfer the network onto a map.

m = createmapvis()

hoardsinputdf = dataframeResults['mapDf'].copy()
hoardsinputdf['color'] = hoardsinputdf.apply (lambda row: makeNetColor(row, my_colors), axis=1)

hoardsdf = pd.DataFrame()
hoardsfg = folium.FeatureGroup(name='Coin Hoards Network: {mint}'.format(mint = 'temnos' ))
addFeatureGrouptoMap(hoardsinputdf, hoardsfg, 30, 5, 'degree', 'title', m)
#optional labels - not really necessary when the map is interactive
addFeatureLabelstoMap(hoardsinputdf, 'title', m, 5)
Make this Notebook Trusted to load map: File -> Trust Notebook

Mapping the mint/hoard community network provides even more insight into the connectivity of cities in western Anatolia. We can clearly see that Temnos, Cyme, Myrina, Mytilene, and Chios are in close geographic proximity to each other; their inclusion in the same minting “community” is fairly unremarkable. On the other hand, mints which have even larger quantities of coinage in the same hoards, like Perge, Aspendus, and Alabanda are located some distance from Temnos, with many other mints from different “communities” between them. This strongly suggests that factors other than geographic proximity played a significant role in the production and distribution of Aeolian Alexanders. To uncover these trends, we will turn to the historical and political context of Aeolian coinage.

Coins and History

This die study and hoard analysis helps to shed light on the complex history and uncertain political status of Aeolis. Following the battle of Corupedium in 281, the regions of Aeolis and Mysia were nominally under Seleucid suzerainty and there is evidence for subsequent Seleucid minting activity in Aigai, Kyme, Myrina, and Pergamon (Cohen (1995), p. 38-39; Serrati (2007), p. 497; Newell and Society (1941), p. 319-347). In 262 the Attalid ruler Eumenes I broke from the conciliatory policies and dependent status of his uncle and predecessor Philetaerus, openly engaging and defeating the Seleucid king Antiochus I at Sardis and winning de facto independence (Strab 13.4.2; E. V. Hansen (1971), p. 22). Eumenes subsequently extended his control as far as the bay of Cyme, with a boundary stone demarcating the border between Attalid territory and the Aeolian polis of Myrina (E. V. Hansen (1971), p. 23; Engelmann (1976), p. 27). The precise status of Temnos and other poleis in Aeolis at the time is murky, but the region seems to have fallen under Attalid control c.227/228 due to the efforts of Attalos I against Gauls and the presumptive Seleucid monarch Antiochus Hierax (Justin 27.1; E. V. Hansen (1971), p. 33-36).

We can use spatial and network analysis model the changing Attalid kingdom. The seat of Attalid power, Pergamon, is treated as the central node of an ego network, with subject communities connected to it. The probable routes between these communities can be abstracted from Roman roads and navigable waterways, using data produced by the Ancient World Mapping Center, the ORBIS project, the Digital Atlas of Roman and Medieval Civilizations, and Harvard’s WorldMap. Least-cost pathing analysis in the pgRouting software library is used to construc the most likely route covering the shortest distance between each community and Pergamon; each route segment is then styled by the number of total paths that cross it, with more “used” routes represented by wider lines. The same approach was also used to model the Seleucid and Ptolemaic empires, with the “egos” as Antioch and Alexandria. THe Allids are in red, the Seleukids in blue, and the Ptolemies in orange.

The result of this approach is a visual abstraction that privileges axes of communication and connectivity instead of the traditional depiction of clearly defined political territory. This visualization captures the often messy political realities of Hellenistic administration, which often depended more on the direct relationship between an monarch and subject communities than a permanent political apparatus.

The situation prior to 188 BCE

Aeolis was likely subsequently reconquered by the Seleucid general and later pretender Achaios, then recaptured by Attalos I in 218 (E. V. Hansen (1971) 40-42). At this time Cyme, Phocaea, and Smyrna came willingly to Attalos, but Aegae and Temnos only sided with the monarch after having been “terrified” into submission by the approach of the Attalid army, revealing that Temnos was not as enthusiastic as some of its Aeolian neighbors at the prospect of reincorporation into the Pergamine kingdom (Plb. 5.77.4: “ἦσαν δ ̓ αἱ τότε μεταθέμεναι πρὸς αὐτὸν πρῶτον μὲν Κύμη καὶ Σμύρνα καὶ Φώκαια: μετὰ δὲ ταύτας Αἰγαιεῖς καὶ Τημνῖται προσεχώρησαν, καταπλαγέντες τὴν ἔφοδον.”). Temnos probably fell from Attalid control and reverted back to Seleucid domination by 197 as a result of the campaigns of Antiochos III (r. 223 – 187) in western Asia Minor. This success was shortlived: conflict soon erupted between Antiochus and Rome, leading to the Syrian War from 192-190 BCE. The Attalids, long allies of Rome, fought against the Seleucids with other independent communities, and the patchwork alliance defeated Antiochus for good at the battle of Magnesia in 190. (Baronowski (1991), p. 450; Sherwin-White (1993), p. 152; Ma (1999), p. 143)

The subsequent Peace of Apamea, largely dictated by Rome, settled the political situation and permanently broke Seleucid political power western Anatolia, with Aeolis falling under the Attalid sphere of influence until the kingdom’s dissolution in 133. Rome became the final arbiter in the bitter disagreement between the Attalids and their former ally Rhodes over the settlement of former Seleucid territory and the political status of the region’s poleis (McDonald (1967), p. 1; hansenAttalidsPergamon21971 95ff.). The Roman consul Gnaeus Manlius Vulso finalized the political settlement: cites which supported Rome were to remain free from tribute, tribute cities which paid Attalos were now to pay Eumenes II, and any cities that joined Antiochos were subject to Eumenes (Plb. 21.45, Liv. 38.39). According to Polybius, newly autonomous cities were Clazomene, Cyme, Drymussa, Mylasa, and the Colophonians in Notium. Rhodes won Lycia and Caria south of the Meander except Telmessus while Eumenes gained control over the European Chersonese, Lysimachia, Heleespontic Phrygia, Greater Phyrgia, Part of Mysia, Lycaonia, the Milyas, Lydia, Tralles, Ephesus, and Telmessus. Phocaea’s ancient constitution and former territory were restored to the city, but this does not imply that it was autonomous and in all likelihood it was under the domination of the Attalids (E. V. Hansen (1971), p.95–96; Ma (1999), p. 282-283).

Although the precise number of subject poleis is a matter of debate, the treaty of Apamea certainly altered the constitutional basis of the Attalid kingdom, offsetting a substantial increase in royal territory and the number of allied and dependent poleis, coupled with a new reliance upon the benefaction of Rome as the guaranteer of Attalid power. In this new political reality, Eumenes faced the difficult problem of incorporating large regions which were formerly under the control of the Seleucids into his kingdom while theoretically respecting the Greek cities’ traditional “freedom and autonomy”. Eumenes would have to tread carefully if he was to take advantage of his new position without unduly offending Rome or the newly independent Greek cities which lay along critical axes of communication.

Anatolia after 188 BCE, including autonomus cities

Coins and politics

One significant aspect to Eumenes’ strategy was his monetary policy, which changed dramatically with the introduction of cistophoroic coins (Howgego (1995), p. 54; Kosmetatou (2005), p. 164). Cistophoroi were lighter than the Attic standard and were issued throughout the Attalid kingdom, becoming the chief means of monetary exchange in Asia Minor for almost three centuries (Kleiner and Noe (1977), p. 10). Interestingly, cistophoroi shared some design elements with civic and Alexander issues common to Asia Minor and Temnos, specifically the ivy-wreath which was featured on the obverse. The exact history and nature of the cistophoroi remains a matter of contention and obscurity, including if the change was primarily a propagandistic or monetary decision and the precise timeframe of their production (Harl (1991), p. 294). Scholars date their first issue variably from 200 or earlier, the 190s, 175, and even after 133, while a recent examination of the evidence offers a revised date of 168-133 (Kleiner and Noe (1977), p. 15; Harl (1991), p. 268; Mørkholm, Grierson, and Westermark (1991), p. 172-173; Le Rider (2001), p. 37; Meadows (2013), p. 34). What is certain is that cistophoroi were produced by a number of cities, perhaps with some level of centralization and oversight from Pergamon. These coins, due in a large part to their lighter weight than their Attic counterparts, rarely circulated outside of areas under direct political control of the dynasty (Howgego (1995), p. 54-55).

coin 1944.100.31424 from the American Numismatic Society

The production of cistophoroi was far from universal in the regions within and surrounding the Attalid Kingdom. The minting of Alexanders continued unabated in some Aeolian, Carian, and Pamphylian cities, including Cyme, Myrina, Alabanda, Aspendus, and Phaselis (Le Rider (1989), p. 178; C. C. Lorber and Hoover (2003), p. 63; Meadows (2009a), p. 77-78; Meadows (2013), p. 35). Temnos was also also excluded from the imposition of cistophoric production and continued to mint Alexanders on the reduced Attic standard, although the polis was certainly in territory nominally in the Attalid sphere of influence after 188 (Meadows (2013), p. 30-31; Welles (1934), p. #48). Temnian minting activity primarily occurs within the reigns of the Seleucid king Antiochos III and the Attalid monarchs Eumenes II (r. 197-159) and Attalos II (r. 159-138), a period that began with the polis firmly within Seleucid, not Attalid, control (Allen (1983), p. 181). The Mektepini hoard proves that the polis began minting Alexanders prior to the battle of Magnesia and nearly concurrently with the campaigns of Antiochos III, especially if the proposed dating of 195 for the hoard is correct (Le Rider (1974), p. 259; Meadows (2009a), p. 68). This places Temnian minting activity alongside other regional Seleucid mints which had a long history of Alexander-type production, which continued well into the Attalid domination of the area (Baronowski (1991), p. 450 ff.).

Unfortunately, the precise political status of Temnos, Myrina, and Kyme is not made explicit by their exclusion from the cistophoric system, Polybius and Livy do not specifically mention the polis in the treaty of Apamea, and the epigraphical evidence confuses the situation even further. There is an extremely fragmentary inscription dated to 197-160/159 in which Eumenes II granted Temnos certain subsidies, which could have included provisions for temples and civic administration (SEG 37.1016; SEG 38.1264; SEG 39 133). Mentioned early in the document is the action of συντάξαντα to an unspecified party (possibly a payment of a tax or other assessment), which Wells presumes was paid to Eumenes II (Welles (1934), p. 197). Although Temnos received support from Eumenes, it was not necessary for the polis to have been a royal dependent, as benefactions and subsidies were a regular part of Eumenes’ foreign policy and do not in and of themselves denote exclusive political control (Welles (1934), p. 196). Even if the σύνταξις mentioned in the decree was a tribute or tax, Temnos could still have had wide latitude in its local administration and foreign affairs, as conceptions of freedom and autonomy (along with required taxes and obligations to a monarch) were extremely elastic in the Hellenistic world (Gruen (1984), p. 152). The treaty of Apamea as related by Polybius highlights such an ambiguity, as the terms included “…however many of the autonomous poleis that previously paid tribute to Antiochos…” who stayed loyal to Rome were free from paying tribute in the future (Plb. 21.46: “…ὅσαι μὲν τῶν αὐτονόμων πόλεων πρότερον ὑπετέλουν Ἀντιόχῳ φόρον…”). This reveals that, at least prior to 188, a polis could be in theory “autonomous” yet still owe tribute or other financial support to a monarch. A polis like Temnos could then owe σύνταξις, or some other fiscal obligation, yet still enjoy a measure of autonomy.

Given the status of Aeolis as a Seleucid possession after 197, it is perhaps most likely that the Temnos would only owe a σύνταξις and receive direct subsides from the Attalids after the peace of Apemea in 188. Therefore the decree should be placed in the period from 188 – 160/159, following the withdraw of direct Seleucid control in the region. Magie argued that the (restored) mention of πρ[ε]σβ[ευταί] in the decree parallels the terminology deployed by autonomous poleis which is further possible evidence that Temnos was not a completely subject community (Magie (1950), p. 958–959 n. 75). Even if this evidence does not convince, the decree itself does not provide definitive proof that Temnos was a subject community of the Attalid monarchy.

The importance of another inscription resolving a war between Temnos and Clazomenae to the political status of Temnos should not be minimized. Written c. 200-150, this document records the decisions of the judges of Cnidus to settle a recent conflict between the two poleis (SEG 29.1130 bis A and B = P. Herrmann, MDAI(I ) 29 (1979) pp. 239-71 = Piejko, MDAI(I ) 36 (1986) pp. 95-97; SEG 36.1040; Robert, REG 1980, 438; ). Unfortunately, the lack of precise dating in the decree leads to significant difficulties in elucidating the political status of the belligerents and the judges. If the war occurred prior to the peace of Apamea in 188, then it could have been associated with the reconquest of Antiochos III in 197 and a possible general situation of unrest, yet the lack of any royal involvement in such a situation would be puzzling. The war could also have occurred between 197 and the battle of Magnesia in 190, although that would require a conflict between two recently conquered poleis and arbitration by a third without any Seleucid oversight, an unlikely event in a region as volatile and prized as Aeolis. A further complication is that Clazomenae was certainly a supporter of the Attalids, receiving autonomy after 188, and Cnidus seems to have been in a similar situation, making them less likely candidates for a hands-off approach from the Seleucid Empire (Plb. 21.45).

A much more compelling case can be made by dating the war to the period following the peace of Apamea. Entirely absent from the decree is the mention of any royal institutions, governors, or other officials from either the Seleucids or Attalids. It is unlikely that Antiochos III would grant autonomy and remain completely disinterested in armed conflict in the volatile region of Aeolis, not least due to its geographic proximity to Pergamum. If the war occurred after 188, then the lack of Attalid officials and the status of Cnidus as arbiter instead of a royal official or commission can be easily explained if Temnos, much like Clazomenae (and likely Cnidus), was autonomous at the time.

There has also been a recent proposal that an isolated issue of Clazomenian coinage has a connection to this conflict, presumably as a method to fund expenditures related to the war effort and paralleling 4th century minting activity by the same city (Meadows (2009b), p. 254). As a result of this association, the conflict could be be more precisely dated to 170-151, well after the Peace of Apamea and the expansion of the Attalid kingdom. The very significant Temnian issues of types 1688 and 1689, along with 1679 and 1680, also date to this period and together represent one of the largest groups of obverse dies in the series. It is highly attractive to see these types as financing for the war and serving a parallel purpose to the issues of Clazomenae at the same time. The largest Temnian production, represented by 1676 and 1678, occur near the end of this timeframe and could have some connection to the war, although they are more likely a response to the conflict against Prusias II, which is discussed below.

There is a possibility for further refinement in the chronology of this war due to the Temnian charge, dismissed by the Cnidian judges, that Clazomenians shut themselves into a temple and burial ground which was not subject to Clazomenae (and therefore presumably under Temnian control)(SEG 29.1130: “κρίνομες δὲ καὶ ὑπὲρ τ[οῦ ἐγ]|[κλήμ]ατος οὗ̣ ἐνεκάλεσαν Τημνῖται Κλαζομενίοις ὑπὲρ τ[οῦ τε]|[μ]έ[ν] oυς καὶ τᾶν ταφᾶν μὴ ἐνόχους Κλαζομενίους τοῖς ἐγ[κεκλη]|[ματ]ος….”). In 156 Prusias II of Bithynia invaded the Attalid kingdom, although it was not until the following year that Attalos finally secured Roman consent to resist the attack (E. V. Hansen (1971), p. 125-128; Oakley (1982), p. 14). As part of this conflict, the temple of Apollo Cynneius near or in Temnos was despoiled and destroyed by Pruisias in 155 (Plb. 32.15: “ὁμοίως καὶ τὸ τοῦ Κυννείου Ἀπόλλωνος τέμενος τὸ περὶ Τῆμνον οὐ μόνον ἐσύλησεν, ἀλλὰ καὶ τῷ πυρὶ διέφθειρεν”). The precise geographical relationship of the temple to Temnos seems to be irrecoverable (Polybius merely mentions that the temenos of the temple is near or at Temnos), and there are no further mentions of the location in literature. Although it is impossible to firmly associate or differentiate the temenos of the Clazomenian conflict and the temple of Apollo Cynneius, the central importance of a temple to both these events is striking. The destruction wrought by Prusisas against the allies of the Attalids seems general and would have likely included a temple that was capable (at least theoretically) of being captured and exploited by a lesser power like Clazomenae. It is therefore highly probable that the conflict with Clazomenae preceded the war against Prusias, unless Temnos rebuilt the temple after 155, entered into an intense conflict with a neighboring community, and then submitted to arbitration prior to 150, which is an extremely unlikely chronology for these events.

The aftermath of the war against Prusias provides some further insight into Temnian autonomy and minting activity. Polybius discusses the indemnities imposed on Prusias II, by which the cities of Aegae, Cyme, Heracleia, and Methymna were given a hundred talents in compensation for the destruction caused by the monarch in addition to the twenty ships, five hundred talents, and the repatriation of any captured territory directly to Attalos (Plb. 33.13: “διορθώσασθαι δὲ Προυσίαν καὶ τὴν καταφθορὰν τῆς χώρας τῆς τε Μηθυμναίων καὶ τῶν Αἰγαιέων καὶ τῆς Κυμαίων καὶ Ἡρακλειωτῶν, ἑκατὸν τάλαντα δόντα τοῖς προειρημένοις”). Some modern commentators have taken this passage to mean that cities that were attacked and were not singled out for specific reparations, such as Temnos, were therefore subject to the Attalids since Polybius did not mention their individual compensation from Prusias as part of the treaty’s terms (Meyer (1925), p. 156; Allen (1983), p. 99).

This interpretation is not without significant problems, as this portion of Polybius is extremely fragmentary and the author did not always record all aspects or clauses of treaties throughout his work (Walbank (2002), p. 23). The war is also of secondary importance to Polybius, as the section is mostly concerned with the moral failings and impiety of Prusias II instead of a local conflict that only peripherally involves Greek and Roman interaction. Furthermore, the heaviest period of Temnian coinage, the production of types 1676 and 1678, is datable to the shortly before 151/0, a period immediately following the conflict. This production could easily have been the result of an influx of sliver from an indemnity to Temnos which could be part of what was given to Aegae, Cyme, Heracleia, and Methymna, or otherwise not recorded by Polybius and part of a rebuilding effort following the war.

Even if Temnos was technically a subject city immediately following Apamea, the freedom of action revealed in the war against Clazomenae and the minting activity following the war against Prusias supports the contention that Temnos was autonomous before 162. This autonomy did not mean that Temnos and the Attalids did not foster commercial, economic, religious, and other connections, or that Temnos did not follow the political lead of the Attalid monarchy. The Attalids could not readily use cistophoroi for diplomatic or military means outside of their territory due to the overvalued and underweight nature of those issues, so they were largely reliant upon “free” cities to produce coins which were suitable for foreign consumption (Hoover and MacDonald (1999–2000), p. 115). Such currency could be the result of taxation, direct payments, or as the result of general economic exchange, especially if the Attalid economic system was as open as recent scholarship suggests (Meadows (2013), p. 34–37).

The issues of Price 1687, 1689, 1688, 1681, 1680, 1679, 1676, 1678, 1680, and 1690, in addition to their relevance to Temnos itself, illustrate this phenomenon. The quantity of minting activity and the distribution of hoards may suggest some association with the intrigues of Attalos II against Demetrius I Soter, the son of Seleucus IV Philopator. When the Seleucid monarch Antiochos IV died in 164/163 Demitrius quickly took advantage of the situation by staking his claim to the Seleucid throne and executing Antiochos V, the son of Antiochos IV (E. V. Hansen (1971), p. 125; 135). Eumenes II threw his support behind a certain Alexander I Balas in response, who Eumenes brought forward in 159 as a son of Antiochous IV Epiphanes and promoted this claim directly to the Roman senate. In 153 /152 Alexander Balas invaded Syria from Anatolia at the head of a mercenary army primarily drawn from Attalid and Roman territories along with limited aid from Egypt and Cappadocia. Winning control over the Seleucid kingdom by 150, Alexander’s reign was short-lived. He was overthrown by Demetrius I, losing the kingdom and his life in 145 (Plb. 3.5.3; 33.15.1-3; 33.18; Strab. 13.4.2; Justin 35.1.6-9).

The coinage of Temnos and other poleis in Attalid Asia Minor may have some relation to these events. Temnian coinage is found in Urfa, Babylonia, 1900, Khan Cheikhoun, “Demetrius I”, Southern Asia Minor (1964), Akkar, Trabzon, Beqa’ Valley, Tell Kotchek, Anatolia (1994), Syria, Gazinatep, and Kırıkhan hoards, all of which date to this period and are within the same general geographic proximity as the conflict between Alexander I Balas and Demitrius. If we return to our visualization of political networks, and perform a similar task connecting Aeolian mints with known hoards, we can see a clear flow of coinage into this volatile region. Again it must be stressed that this approach does not claim that silver went directly from the mints to the hoarding locations, but it merely suggests some portion of mint production, by whatever intermediate mechanisms, found its way into the region. When compared with our previously “idealized” political network diagrams, this reinforces the importance of pre-exsisting economic networks to the quasi-autonomous poleis of Asia Minor. Although the Seleucid Empire no longer controlled the region, it appears as if the economic networks forged under its hegemony were still operational under the new political reality. We can visualize the “flow” of some of these relationships by creating spatial networks between the mints of Aeolis and hoards much like we did for subject communities to an imperial capital.

Aeolian Mints, hoards, and political networks, 160 - 138 BCE

mint_uri title lat lon partition color degree
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The extensive Temnian minting during the time, especially the very large production of type 1690, could have been an extremely beneficial resource for the Attalids to draw upon in support of their own political projects. One attractive possibility for Temnian coins was their use as a medium to pay mercenaries, as soldiers for hire would presumably want some form of wealth that was transferable outside of the Attalid kingdom (Le Rider (1989), p. 179). Such a consideration is clearly shown in an earlier mutiny of mercenaries at Philateria and Attalea against the Attalid monarch Eumenes I (r. 263-241) (OGIS 226). As part of a compact ending the disturbance, Eumenes swore to provide his rioting troops with fixed prices for food, back pay, and the ability for a discharged solider to “take his belongings out [of the kingdom] untaxed” (“… ἀτελὴς ἔστω ἐξάγων τὰ αὑτοῦ ὑπάρχοντα”), which speaks to the desire of mercenaries in Attalid service to have some form of moveable wealth or property. Even if the mercenaries enrolled to support Alexander Balas were interested in permanent settlement instead of cash and booty, currency like Temnian Alexanders would be preferable as a means of payment to forces in Seleucid territories as opposed to cistophoroi that only circulated within the Attalid kingdom. Such a use has already been posited for the issues of Myrina and the coinage of Dionysiac artists, and it is not much of a stretch to consider the intensive production of Temnos at the same period and in the same geographic area in a similar light (Hoover and MacDonald (1999–2000), p. 116; C. C. Lorber and Hoover (2003), p. 67).

Temnian Alexander production, at least in the major issues, could serve both the needs of the polis and compliment Attalid foreign policy in the east. It seems likely that Temnian autonomy was not grossly infringed upon by the Attalid kingdom, and the production of tetradrachms was a mutually beneficial arrangement where Temnian minting activity could be consumed by the Attalids and their allies and then used as a currency that would be acceptable to a broader constituency than regional and overvalued cistophoic coins. Although circulation patterns and the alignment of Temnian coinage with Attalid political objectives could be construed as an indicator of subordinate status, the literary record, inscriptions, and minting activity taken together strongly suggests that Temnos was autonomous in the same manner as other polies in Aeolis and Western Anatolia.

Despite falling under direct Attalid control after 188, Pamphylian mints also produced Alexander tetradrachms nearly contemporary with Temnos. Although there has not been a die study on the Alexanders of Aspendus, it appears that production of the coinage stopped in 185/184, certainly overlapping with Price 1665 and possibly other non-tendril types as well. The coinage of Phaselis seems to have ended production in 181/0, which, like the production of Aspendus, corresponds with Price 1666 and possibly other non-tendril types from Temnos (Meadows (2009a), p. 78-79). Carrian mints also produced Alexander coinage. Although no proper die study of Alabandan Alexanders has been attempted, minting of the type seems to have occurred from c. 185 – 167, during the supremacy of Rhodes in Caria. These dates correspond with Temnian activity, although some of the more common Temnian types (1676, 1678 and 1690) may have been created after Alabanda switched to an autonomous design sometime before before 140 BCE (Waggoner (1989), p. 286).

Further contemporary minting of Alexanders occurred in Ionia. Production of Alexanders at Chios was separated into four distinct periods, with 5 obverse dies in period 1 (280-270), 25 obverse dies in period 2 (270-220), 14 in period 3 (202/1 – 190), and 33 in period 4 (190 – 160) (Bauslaugh (1979), p. 2–29). The production of Temnos at the same time, excluding Price 1690 which postdates this period, was 55 obverse dies to the 33 known at Chios. Alexanders from Perge, ending production c. 191/0 (Meadows (2009a), p. 77), evidently had a long circulation period and the presence of these coins alongside Temnos in hoards speaks more for a broader distribution than any political or historical reason.

Caution should be taken in reading too much into the choice of a civic design over Alexanders, as it has been argued that such a shift could be attributed more to fashion and not indicative of a historical impetus (Oakley (1982), p. 20). Furthermore, the distribution of the coinage into Syria after the 170s is not necessarily the part of a direct payment of a minting polis and may have involved prior distributive or acquisition by a third party (Price (1991), p. 241). Unfortunately, the paucity of formal die studies for many of the civic Alexander types makes direct comparisons to the scale of Temnian minting activity currently impossible. However, the application of some of the tools and methodologies presented in this study could greatly aid in the quantification and analysis of this coinage; if a similar approach is carried out in other die studies, using the same linked open data formats and principles, then a much clearer picture of Anatolian, if not Mediterranean, coinage is possible.


Temnian minting activity was sporadic, with distinct groupings of production which often contained more than one reverse type. The dating of 1667, 1670, and 1688 should be adjusted due to the obverse die linkages. More attention needs to be focused on the possible telescoping of 1673, 1674, and 1675 as a single type, unless definitive evidence to the contrary surfaces. The periods of most intensive production (by obverse dies) adhere closely to conflicts between Temnos and its neighbors, along with Attalid intrigues and the extensive internal turmoil within the Seleucid Empire. The historical context of Temnian minting activity, the lack of Temnian cistophoroi, and the political status of Aeolis in general strongly suggests that Temnos was an autonomous polis which produced currency destined for consumption and distribution external to the Attalid kingdom with an interest towards “international” acceptance. The presence of many other cities with similar minting activity reveals that Attalid territories, along with poleis in the Attalid sphere of influence, were not participants in a closed monetary system but were instead part of a broad patchwork of regional, autonomous, civic, and royal coinages that provided different functions and benefits in a largely mutually beneficial manner to the Attalids and the smaller civic institutions of Asia Minor.

Appendex 1: Alexanders of Kyme and Myrina

Myrina appears to have minted Alexanders from c. 215 to c.170, ceasing before the Latikia hoard, which Mattingly dates to c. 160 (Mattingly (2004), p. 35). Kymian Alexanders seem to have been produced from 215 to slightly before 170 with the introduction of magistrates’ names on the reverse following the declaration of autonomy after the peace of Apamea. The polis later switched to autonomous wreathed coinage after 154, possibly as a response to silver from the indemnities paid by Prusias II (Price (1991), p. 237). Therefore, both poleis seemed to stop production before the Temnian shift to vine-tendril design, with Temnian minting activity lasting approximately fifteen years longer than the other mints.

The number of coins in each of these studies is far less than the coins uncovered from Temnos. Although the extensive library of auction catalogs and fixed price lists in the American Numismatic Society was consulted, there are still some sources which would have been useful for this study which are currently inaccessible due to the global pandemic. However, as this is a database driven project, new coins can easily be added, cataloged, and analyzed, which may change some of the preliminary findings below.

Preliminary Assessment

Although the number of coins in each of these studies is far less than Temnian issues, an analysis of their production and style further illuminates economic and social connectivity in Aeolis. For both mints production seems to occur in specific “groups”, with only a few indications of die boxes or shared obverse dies between types. Weights form Myrina remain remarkably consistent, while Kymian coins seem to enter a period of lighter weights until eventually trending upwards again.

What is extremely interesting is the similarities in style between Temnos, Myrina, and Kyme. Despite the apparent difference in production times, a visual analysis of the obverse dies suggests that the same hand created dies for several different issues for each mint. Due to the short run of the Alexanders and the introduction of civic coinage in Myina and Kyme, it seems unlikely that there was a centralized minting authority which coordinated styles and craftspeople to create the dies. It is more probable that the die engravers operated regionally, selling their services to whatever mint had need of their expertise at that time. Further die studies of other mints, especially ones that are in the same hoard “community”, will be necessary to explore these connections further.

Coin 1446 from Kyme
Coin 583 From Myrina

Appendex 2: Further Studies in Hoard Networks

Aeolian networks were not the only hoard linkages created for this project; all of the hoards in the IGCH and the Coin Hoards series were studied as a network, with different communities and time periods represented on a map. Due to the limitations of jupyter notebooks these can not be displayed in an interactive manner here; an animated map is provided below that shows the “flows” of coinage from mints (circles) to hoards (squares) from ~700 BCE to ~300 CE.

This represents first steps in considering the entirety of coin hoards and minting activity as a spatial-temporal network. As more data is collected this process can be refined, perhaps by average weights for each denomination type and the inclusion of surveys, excavations, and single finds data. The routes themselves can be improved with further data from the ORBIS cost model, probable travel paths in the Indian ocean, and further development of political gazetteers. Although this particular project focuses on ancient coinage, there are few limitations to the applicability of this approach to other historical phenomena, including literary, social, political, and religious networks.


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